Saturday 20 June 2020

Quorn Asian Salad

Quorn Asian Salad

Servings | 2
POINTS® value per serving | 2.5
No Count: You need to count points for peanut butter, oil and chilli sauce 2½pts for the whole recipe

100g Quorn pieces 
1 Grated carrot
1/2 Pack bean sprouts
2x Pineapple rings
2x Spring Onions (chopped)
1 Tsp Chilli Oil (1pt)
1 Tsp Peanut butter (1pt)
2 Tsp Sweet Chilli Sauce (½pt)
50 ml Pineapple Juice (use the juice from the tin)
Squeeze of lemon juice
Fry the Quorn in the chilli oil until browned then add the carrot, onion, and beansprouts and cook for a further 5 min.
Finely chop the pineapple and add to the pan.
Meanwhile heat the pineapple juice for a minute in the microwave then add the peanut butter and chilli sauce. Add to the pan and mix thoroughly.
When ready to serve squeeze over the lemon juice.
Could use chicken or chick peas for this.
If you want to reduce the points use spray oil and some chopped fresh chilli instead of the chilli oil.

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