Sunday 28 June 2020

Sweet & Sour Cod

Sweet & Sour Cod

Serves 4

Full Choice 3 pts per serving

No Count: you need to count the points for the margarine,orange juice, sugar and cornflour.

1 tbsp polyunsaturated margarine (2pts)
1 onion, sliced thinly
150 ml stock, fish or veg
150 ml orange juice
2 tbsp wine vinegar
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp soft brown sugar
4 x 150g cod steaks
1½ tbsp cornflour
strips of orange zest & shredded spring onions to garnish

To make the sauce: melt the margarine in a pan and saute the onion for 5-7 mins until soft, but not brown.  add the stock, orange juice, vinegar, soy sauce, and sugar.  stir and gently heat through.

Meanwhile place the cod in a single layer in a large lidded frying pan.  Pour over just enough cold water to cover and bring to the boil.  Once simmering, cover and poach for 5 mins or until the fish is cooked.

Blend the cornflour with a little water to make a smooth paste and add this to the sauce, stirring.  bring to the boil, stirring constantly until the sauce is thickened. Simmer 5-8 mins.

When everything is ready, lift the fish from the pan onto warmed plated and pour the sauce over.  Garnish with strips of orange zest and shredded spring onions.  serve.

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