Sunday 28 June 2020

Spaghetti with Tuna Sauce

Spaghetti with Tuna Sauce

Serves 4

No Count  1 pt the whole recipe

Full Choice 4pts per serving

240g spaghetti (dried weight)
1 clove garlic, crushed
480 ml stock
2 level tbsp tomato puree
6 tbsp white wine 90ml  (1pt)
2 x 180 g tins tuna in brine, drained
salt and pepper

Cook the spaghetti as directed on the pack.

Meanwhile, spray a large pan with frylight, and cook the garlic for 2 mins.  Add the stock, tomato puree and wine and continue boiling until the mixture is reduced by half.  Add the tuna, heat through, and check seasoning.

Serve over spaghetti.

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