Sunday 28 June 2020

Smoked Haddock Lasagne

Smoked Haddock Lasagne

Serves 4

Full Choice 5 pts per serving

No Count  ½ pt per serving

160g lasagne, green or plain, no pre cook
300g smoked haddock
1 large onion, chopped
2 hard boiled eggs
1 x 300g tin campbells 99% fat free mushroom soup
salt & pepper
40g half fat cheddar, grated

Cook haddock by simmering in ¾ pt water.  reserve this liquid when cooked.  Skin and flake the fish, discarding any bones.

Saute the onion until just tender in a non-stick pan sprayed with frylight spray.  Mix together with the chopped hard boiled eggs and fish.

In an ovenproof dish, put layers of soup, lasagne fish mixture, ending with a layer of soup.  Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 30 mins at  Gas 5/375ºF/190ºC until golden brown.

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