Tuesday 13 April 2021

Turkey Casserole

Turkey Casserole

Asda Turkey pieces
Frozen mixed veg
2 Vegetable Stock cubes
Onion, chopped
Garlic, crushed
Barbecue Sauce (Chesswood) - (2pts for all can - 0.5pts per serving)
1 pint of boiled water.
Frylite Spray

Spray a pan with Frylite, put the chopped onion and crushed garlic in a frying pan and fry for 2 minutes.

Put all the rest of the ingredients into a Casserole pot, stir it all in.

Cook for 1hr on Gas mark 6.

It was delicious. I had mine with Mashed potato made with skimmed milk. The mash is just potato mashed in with Skimmed milk (no butter/margarine)


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