Thursday 15 April 2021

Spicy Lamb Kebabs with Yogurt Raita

Spicy Lamb Kebabs with Yogurt Raita

Serves 4

Syn Free on Red and EE (and Green if you use Quorn mince)


1 small red onion peeled 
1 red chilli
Pinch of ground gloves
½ tsp fennel seeds
¼ tsp black peppercorns
1 tsp turmeric powder
medium sized bunch of mint
1 tbsp ex v olive oil (HE b choice)
350g Lamb Mince (you can use Quorn Mince also)
1 egg yolk 
200g fat free yogurt
1 lime zest and juice

Method :-

In a food processor place the onion (cut into quarters), deseed and add the chilli, ground cloves, fennel seeds, peppercorns, turmeric and half the mint. Season with a little salt and blend together. Place the lamb mince in a large bowl and add the blended onion and spice mix. Add the egg yolk and mix well to combine. Now divide the mixture into 8 equal portionsand shape into patties / kebabs. Now heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a non stick frying pan on low/medium heat. Fry the kebabs for 3 to 4 minutes on each side until nicely coloured and cooked through.

Yogurt Raita Dip

Chop the remaining mint and add to the yogurt along with the lime zest .

Your kebabs are ready ! Serve on a hot plate with a squeeze of lime juice on top along with your fresh mint yogurt raita.


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