Tuesday 13 April 2021

Slow-Cooker Chicken Cacciatore

Slow-Cooker Chicken Cacciatore  

No Count

This tastes even better reheated the next day

8 Chicken Thighs (about 2 pounds), skinned (and I recommend boneless)
3/4 teaspoon Salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons dried marjoram
2 assorted peppers, such as red and green, seeded and chopped
1 onion, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
2 carrots, thinly sliced (I chunk them) 
2 x 400g tins Plum Tomatoes, chopped
1/4 pound fresh white mushrooms, sliced
4 garlic cloves, minced (I buy a jar of minced garlic and keep it in the fridge, it lasts a long time and is always there when I need it!)

1. Sprinkle the chicken with half teaspoon of salt and 1/8 teaspoon of pepper. Heat spray oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook until browned, about 3 minutes each side. Move chicken to the slow cooker .

2. Spray pan again . Add the  peppers, onion, carrots, celery, tomatoes, mushrooms, marjoram, garlic, and remaining salt and pepper to the skillet. Cook until the vegetables are softened. Transfer mixture to slow cooker; mix well. Cover and cook until the chicken and veggies are fork tender, 3-4 hours on high or 6-8 on low. (Low is better)
3. Transfer cooked chicken to a serving platter. Strain the sauce through a strainer into a medium saucepan. Add the vegetables to the chicken; cover and keep warm. Bring the sauce to a boil over medium-high heat. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the sauce is slightly thickened and reduced, about 10 minutes. Serve the sauce with the chicken and vegetables.


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