Tuesday 13 April 2021




Serves 4

Points per serving 5


2 tbsp minced sun dried tomatoes

55g soft goats cheese

1 tsp chopped fresh thyme

4 skinless boneless chicken breasts approx 125g each

salt and pepper

1 tbsp flour

250 ml dry white wine

1 tbsp cornflour

250ml chicken stock

1 tbsp tomato puree

1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley


Mix together the sundried tomatoes, goats cheese and thyme.

Cut a slit in the thickest part of the chicken breast to form a pocket.

Divide the cheese between the chicken breasts.  Season and dust with the flour.


Spray a non-stick pan with Frylight and heat.  Add the chicken and brown on both sides.  Remove and set aside.

Add the wine to the pan and reduce until almost gone.  Mix the cornflour with a little of the stock, then add to the pan with the remaining stock and tomatoe puree.


Return the chicken to the pan, bring to a boil, cover and simmer gently over low heat for 10 mins.  Baste the chicken with the sauce occasionally.

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