Thursday 15 April 2021

Diet Fanta Chicken

Diet Fanta Chicken


2 chicken fillets

1 can diet fanta

1/2 jar passata

1 tablespoon vinegar

1 red pepper

1 yellow pepper

1 pkt baby corn

1 vegetable stock cubes

Table spoon ginger

Pineapple chunks

Fresh Garlic


Cook up the chicken and then veg. Mix vinegar, passata, veg stock cubes and diet fanta together and then add to the veg and chicken. Let simmer until the sauce thickens - this makes three portions and I  have to say its delicious x




Borlotti beans, pasta and veg make this stew a real comfort food treat, and it's ready in less than 30 minutes - bellissimo!


Serves 4

Ready in 30-60 mins

1 Syn on EE and Green, 8 Syns on Original


4 shallots, peeled and finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed

2 celery sticks, cut into 1cm dice

1 large carrot, peeled and cut into 1cm pieces

1 red pepper, deseeded and cut into 1cm pieces

1 tsp dried mixed herbs

8 tbsp finely chopped fresh basil

400g can chopped tomatoes

2 level tbsp sun-dried tomato purée

100g dried short-shaped pasta

200ml vegetable stock

400g can borlotti beans, drained

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Basil leaves, to garnish




1.    Place the shallots, garlic, celery, carrots and red pepper in a saucepan and stir-fry over a medium heat for 2-3 minutes.




Add the dried herbs, chopped basil, tomatoes, tomato purée, pasta and stock and bring to the boil.




Reduce the heat to low, cover and allow to cook gently for 15-20 minutes or until the vegetables are tender and the pasta is cooked.




Stir in the beans and cook for 2-3 minutes or until piping hot. 




Season well, remove from the heat and garnish with basil leaves just before serving. 


Sticky ginger beef & noodles

Sticky ginger beef & noodles

Serves 4

Ready in about 30 minutes

375g dried medium egg noodles •

600g sirloin steaks, visible fat removed

1 level tsp cornflour 2cm piece fresh root ginger, peeled and cut into thin matchsticks

2 tsp freshly ground black pepper

4 tbsp dark soy sauce


4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

600g stir-fry vegetables

170m! hot vegetable stock

1 tbsp oyster sauce

1/4 small pack fresh chives, roughly chopped

Cook the noodles according to the pack instructions. then drain and keep warm.

Meanwhile, put the steaks between 2 sheets of cling film and flatten slightly by bashing with a rolling pin. Remove the cling film and slice the steaks into strips. Put the cornflour, ginger, black pepper and 3 tbsp soy sauce in a bowl. Stir well, add the beef and toss to coat. 

Spray a non-stick wok or large frying pan with Frylight and place over a medium-high heat. Stir-fry half the beef mixture for 1-2 minutes, or until browned, then transfer to a bowl using a slotted spoon. Remove the pan from the heat. wipe with kitchen paper and spray with a little more Frylight. Repeat with the remaining beef, 

Remove the pan from the heat. Wipe again with kitchen paper and spray. With more Frylight. Return to a medium-high heat, add the garlic and veg and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add the stock and stir-fry for a further minutes. or until the veg are tender. Return the beef to the pan with the oyster sauce. Stir-fry for 1-2 minutes, or until the sauce thickens.

 Divide the noodles between 4 bowls and top with the beef and veg Scatter over the chives and drizzle over the remaining soy sauce to serve.

Syns per serving: FREE

Peanut Butter & Coconut Chicken Curry

Peanut Butter & Coconut Chicken Curry

1 packet of chicken sausages (skin removed)

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

2 tsp Peanut butter

2 tsp salt

1 cup of Iight coconut yogurt

fresh coriander

2 garlic cloves crushed

1 can chopped tomatoes

Finely diced onion

green bean

2 tsp ginger

1 cup of chicken stock

3tsp garam masata


With the skinless sausages, break them into little pieces and roll into Ikea meatball sized portions, put to the side.

In a large pan, fry the onion in some fry light until slightly brown, add the garlic and ginger and fry for a further  2 min

Add the chicken stock, tomatoes and spices and let it sirnmer for around 5 minutes. Add the Meatballs, green beans and most of the coriander, stir then cook/simmer for a further 5 minutes.

Remove from the heat and stir in the peanut butter and coconut yogurt.

Serve with basmati rice and sprinkle the remaining coriander over the curry for a nice finished look.

               Approximately 1 ½ syns per serving         

Indian spiced dahl soup

Indian spiced dahl soup

1 1/2 cups mung beans or 1 1/2 cups red lentils or 1 1/2 cups yellow lentils
1 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon cumin
1/4 teaspoon cardamom - (couldn't find this, used Garam Masala instead)
2 -3 curry leaves or 2 -3 bay leaves
6 cups chicken stock (preferably home-made) or 6 cups vegetable stock (preferably home-made) - this is about 3 pints
2 teaspoons mustard seeds (didn't have it, so a tsp of wholegrain mustard)
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
salt and pepper

1 - Rinse the beans or lentils. (I also rinsed and added tin of chickpeas)

2 - Bring to a boil with the stock, turmeric, Cayenne, cumin, 
cardamom and curry/bay leaves, garlic, mustard

3 - Let simmer until the beans or lentils are very soft (ca 30 minutes).

4 - If using bay leaves, remove them now. Curry leaves can be left in the soup.

5 -Run the soup quickly in a blender to a not too smooth consistency (or mash the lentils/beans with a ladle).

I'd maybe use a bit less stock next time (it's about 3 pints) as it was quite thin and I like my soups thicker, but play about till it's at the consistency you like.

It's got a little 'kick; to it, nothing blow your mouth off! 

KFC chicken

KFC chicken


Serves 2


2 chicken breasts

Chicken stock cube

Beef stock cube

Wholemeal bread (Healthy B choice)

1tsp Jamaican Jerk spice

1tsp Paprika

1/2 tsp chilli powder

2 eggs

Salt and pepper

Fry lite

Cut chicken into chunks.


Crumble the beef stock cube over the chicken Beat 2 eggs and pour over chicken

Toast your bread and blend into breadcrumbs

Add the Jamaican jerk seasoning, paprika, chilli powder and chicken stock cube (crumbled).


Add seasoning Mix together

The messy bit...

Either drain off your chicken or slowly lift out of the egg mix and transfer into the breadcrumb mix. (This works best when the chicken isn’t totally dripping in egg).

Mix chicken and crumbs until chicken is evenly coated

Place on oven tray sprayed with frylite and then spray the top of chicken with a few more sprays

Cook on 180 degrees for 20 mins.

Free if using bread as a healthy extra 

Kung pao chicken

Kung pao chicken



3  chicken breasts

4  tbsp white wine vinegar

6 tbsp soy sauce

6 dried red chillies (seeds out)

2 tsp peppercorns

2 tbsp sweetener 

2  level tbsp cornflour(2pp)

3  tbsp tomato purée(2pp)

300ml chicken stock


Spring onions 

3 garlic cloves 

1 red pepper 



Put chicken in a ceramic bowl


Pour 2 tbsp of vinegar, 3 tbsp soy, the chillies, peppercorns and half the sweetener. Mix together and add chicken breast to marinade for about 30 mins 


In another bowl combine remaining vinegar,soy sauce,sweetener and stir in cornflour, tomato purée until smooth.



Spray a frying pan with frylight and add the chicken mix for 5-6 mins until lightly cooked.



Add spring onions garlic pepper and stir fry for 3-4 mins 



Add the stock mix and bring to boil reduce the heat to low and gently cook for 5-6 mins (check seasoning)




Serves 4

Syn free on Extra Easy or Original, 7 Syns on Green

Freezer Friendly

Takes 1 hour 10 mins


Low calorie cooking spray

350g lean lamb leg steaks, all visible fat removed, cut into chunks

1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed

4cm piece of root ginger, peeled and crushed

3 tbsp medium curry powder

400g can chopped tomatoes

1 tsp sweetener

750ml lamb stock

2 large carrots, peeled and finely chopped

110g baby leaf spinach

Salt and freshly ground black pepper



Spray a large, heavy-based casserole dish (or large saucepan) with low calorie cooking spray and cook the lamb, onion, garlic, ginger and curry powder for 5-6 mins, stirring occasionally until the lamb is browned.




Add the tomatoes, sweetener and stock and bring to the boil.  Lower the heat, then cover and simmer gently for 30-35 mins, stirring often or until the meat is tender.




Stir in the carrots and cook for a further 20 mins or until just tender.  Stir in the spinach until wilted.  Season to taste before serving.




Thank you to Donna Donovan for the recipe x



8 are 2.5 syns each, 6 are 3 syns each, 4 are 5 syns each


1 x Curly Wurly

1 x sachet gelatine

25g Cocoa Powder

33g Options Hot Chocolate

15ml Whole Milk

4-6 tbsp sweetener

1 x egg white

500g pot of fat free fromage frais

300g raspberries



Melt half the Curly Wurly and the milk in a bowl over hot water/ or in a microwave then leave to cool.




Mix the gelatine with 110 ml hot water and leave to cool.




Mix the sweetener, Options, fromage frais and sieve the cocoa into the mixture and mix all until smooth.




Mix in the cooled Curly Wurly mixture.




Mix in the cooled gelatine.




In a separate bowl whip the egg white to stiff peaks.




Mix the egg white into the cocoa mixture with a metal spoon.




Put most of the raspberries in the dessert glasses (between 4-8) and spoon in the mousse mix.  Leave to set in fridge for 1-2 hours.




Top with remaining raspberries and Curly Wurly





Serves 2

2 syns per serving on extra easy


2 Chicken Breasts, cut into very thin strips

1 beaten egg

25g plain flour (4.5 syns)

Red and green pepper cut into thin strips

1 onion cut into strips

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Low calorie Spray

Sweet Chilli Sauce

50 ml cold water

50ml rice vinegar

2 tbsp sweetener

2 tsp fresh ginger, minced

1 tsp garlic, minced

1 tsp chilli minced (or add more to personal taste if you like it hotter)

3 tsp tomato puree




Put egg, flour and seasoning into a bowl and mix into a batter then coat the chicken




Spray a baking tray with frylight and spread the chicken evenly over the baking tray.  Cook on a medium heat (I would say about 180) in the oven stirring occasionally. Spray with more frylight if needed.




In a small pan simmer the ingredients for the sweet chilli sauce.  Allow to reduce a little then cool before serving




Once the chicken is almost cooked (10-15 mins) add the peppers and onions and cook until the chicken is crispy and golden.




Serve on a bed of rice or noodles and pour over the sweet chilli sauce.


Curry loaf

Curry loaf

Syn free on extra easy and green, makes around 6 decent slices.

1 packet of syn free curry rice ( I used batchelors)
1 tin of baked beans in tomato sauce
1 tbsp of curry powder (leave this out if you don't like it hot or add more if you wish)
3 eggs, beaten

Make the rice up to packet instructions and make sure all water is absorbed.

Mixed the curry powder, beans, eggs and cooked rice.

Place into a loaf tin (or can be placed into muffin tins) and bake at 180c for 25-30 minutes or until fully cooked through, careful not to overcook as it can become crumbly.

Nice as a snack or served with salad for a meal.



Serves 4

Syn Free on Red and EE (Green using Quorn style chicken pieces)


500 g mutton or chicken
2 black cardamom seeds
9 green cardamom
10 cloves
10 whole black peppercorns
4 tsp coriander powder
250g onion
1 tsp salt(to taste)
1 tsp garlic paste
1 tsp ginger paste
250g fat free yogurt
1 tsp red chilli powder
1 pinch of nutmeg and mace powder
1 tbsp kewra
1 tsp sweetner
1 cup of water
1 tbsp ex volive oil (HE b choice)


Slice the onion finely and and fry in the olive oil on a very low flame till they are crispy and golden brown. Remove the fried onions from then pan and set aside. In the same pan spray some frylight, add all the ingredients (except the nutmeg, sweetner and kewra) add ½ cup of water to prevent burning. Now add the meat and mix well with the spices. When the water of the meat has dried , add another 2 cups of water ( 1 is enough for chicken). Add the fried onions you prepared earlier to the pot , cover and cook on low flame until the meat is tender. When the meat has softened and the gravy has acquired the desired consistency, add a nutmeg and mace, kewra and sweetner. Leave on very low heat for 2 minutes.

Serve hot with steamed Basmati Rice .


Kofta Biryani

Kofta Biryani

Serves 4

Syn Free on EE (on Green using Quorn Mince)

1/2 kg basmati rice

50-75g FatFree Yogurt
1 small onion
1 tsp salt(according to taste)
6 green cardamoms
2 tbsp garlic paste
6 cloves
1 tbsp ex v olive oil (HE b choice)
½ tsp yellow food colour
1 pinch saffron
½ tbs lemon juice

For Meatballs

250g finely minced mutton or beef
1 tsp ginger paste
1-2 green chillies coarsely chopped
1 medium onion coarsely chopped
Handful of fresh coriander leaves
½ tsp garam masala powder
1 slice of bread soaked and squeezed to remove water (add syns)
1 tsp salt

To make the meatballs :-

Put the mince meat and all its spices in a food processor and blend until all the ingredients are mixed well. Form into small meatballs and keep aside. In a pot heat the olive oil and sauté the onions until they start to turn brown. Add all the spices along with a little water to prevent them from burning. Mix well. When the water has dried add ½ cup of water and add the meatballs carefully into it. Cover and allow to cook for about 10 minutes on medium flame until the meatballs are cooked through.

Simultaneously soak the rice in water for half an hour. Boil the rice with 1 tbsp salt and ½ tbsp. of lemon juice till its ¾ cooked. Drain the water and keep the rice aside. Transfer a little rice to a pot and on top of that add some of the meatballs combo so as to make layers of rice and masala. Make a couple oflayers and then sprinkle some yellow food colour to decorate along with a pinch of saffron (saffron should be soaked in 1 tbsp of water for a few minutes before adding to the rice). Now cover the rice on a low flame for about 10 minutes keeping the pot tightly closed to steam cook. When the rice is done the Biryani is ready.