Friday 28 February 2020

Stuffed Mushrooms

Stuffed Mushrooms

Take 2 large flat mushrooms remove the stalks. 

Chop up the stalks and place in a pan with spray oil, one chopped red onion, a chopped garlic clove and a chopped rasher of bacon. 

Cook for a few minutes. Mix with 1.5 points worth of cream cheese, I use phili extra light as you get more for your points, and add a squeeze of lemon juice. Spread cheese mix over mushrooms. 

Top with breadcrumbs - 0.5 points worth. 

Bake in a low oven for approx 20 mins. Serve on a bed of green salad drizzled with balsamic vinegar.


You could stuff them with a small portion of rice (1.5pts) mixed with chopped peppers and onion and the stalk of the mushroom also chopped and all fried in pan with spray oil (0pts). Once stuffed you could top with some low fat cheese (if you have the points and can allow for it - can't remember how many points for low-fat chedder per 40g, think it's about 2.5pts) and then bake in the oven. I've done this before and they taste YUM! Mix in spices or garlic or chilli if desired for 0 points.


Stuffed mushrooms made with a small tin of butter beans mashed with the mushroom stalks removed chopped and fried with an onion (in spray oil),a few herbs and a clove of garlic. Top with 30g half fat cheese and bake in oven for about 20 mins. Serve with a green salad

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