Monday 24 February 2020




This is a really old-fashioned pudding that I have altered to NC.
It looks and tastes quite naughty and would be ideal to serve to visitors.

You can either use any left over couscous cake (I like to use left over steamed fruit pudding NC style ) or broken up Krisprolls.

Cake or Krisprolls
3 eggs - seperated
6 fl oz skimmed milk
Vanilla Essence
4 tablespoons sweetener
2 heaped dessertspoons sweetener.
Put cake or Krisprolls in an oven proof dish.
Beat egg yolks, milk, vanilla essence and 2 dessertspons of sweetener together and pour over the cake.
Bake in a moderate oven (Gas Mark 4/180°C/fan oven 160°C.) for about 30 minutes until custard is set.
Allow to cool.
When cool spread some 'jam' over custard.
Whisk egg whites up until stiff, whisk in half remaining sweetener then fold in remaining sweetener.
pile meringue on top of jam and bake in a cool oven until meringue is set.
This can be served hot or cold but I prefer it cold as it looks more presentable when served.



(3 sins – Green Day)

3 Eggs
4 Tablespoons dry Cous Cous
2 Tablespoons Strawberry Preserve (no added sugar)
Drop of vanilla essence
Canderel (about 6 tablespoons)

Preheat oven to Gas Mark 6
Cover cous cous with boiling water and stand for 10 mins until water
Mix in the yolks of the three eggs and about three tablespoons canderel and
drop of vanilla and put it in a casserole dish and place in the oven for about
15 mins or until has solidified enough to spread jam on.
Meanwhile whisk up the three whites from the eggs until standing in soft
peaks, and gently stir in 3 tablespoons canderel.
When cous cous and egg mix ready spread it with the jam and pile on the egg
white mix and put it back in the oven for about another 15 mins or until the

top has browned.

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