Monday 24 February 2020

Salmon & Spring Onion Burgers

Salmon & Spring Onion Burgers

Serves 4

Full Choice 3 pts per serving

No Count  ½ pt per serving

300g cooked salmon fillet
1 bunch spring onions, finely chopped
½ red chilli, finely chopped (or to taste)
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
75g fresh white breadcrumbs
1 egg, lightly beaten

Gently flake the salmon into a bowl, leaving some quite large pieces.  Add spring onions, chilli, lemon juice, breadcrumbs and egg.  Season and gently mix together until thoroughly combined.

Shape into 4 burgers, cover and chill for 5-10 mins.

Spray a pan with frylight and cook the burgers for 4-5 mins each side until nice and golden.

Serve in a bun if you want (count the points)

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