Monday 24 February 2020

Pork and Chickpea Casserole

Pork & Chickpea casserole

From the kitchen of KJN2008

Servings | 2Points 3

300 g pork escalope

1 leek
1 stick celery
2 carrots
2 courgettes
1 red pepper
1 400 g can tomatoes
1 400 g can chckpeas
tsp chilli flakes
tsp pimenton (smoked/or/sweet paprika)
Salt& black pepper to taste

Quickly fry pork until slightly browned, remove from pan.
Fry leeks gently, adding a little stock until softened. Add remaining stock, chopped vegetables, tomatoes, pimenton (paprika), seasoning, chilli flakes. Allowing veg too soften.
Add pork and chickpeas.
Allow to thicken and cook through on low heat.(30-60mins)

Use any pork cut or other meat and seasonings to suit your taste.

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