Wednesday 26 February 2020

Chicken Drumstick & Chips

Chicken Drumstick & Chips

From the WW website

Serves 4

800 g potato(es), (use 4 potatoes) peeled and cut into thick chips
5 spray low-fat cooking spray
50 g polenta, instant
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon paprika, ground
1 pinch salt, and freshly ground black pepper
8 medium skinless chicken drumstick
1 portion lettuce, to garnish

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6/200°C/fan oven 180°C/400°F.

Tip the potato chips into a large roasting pan (preferably non-stick) and spray them 4 or 5 times with low fat cooking spray, to coat. Season with salt and pepper, then roast for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix the polenta with the ground coriander, ground cumin and paprika in a large bowl or polythene bag. Season with salt and pepper. Add the chicken drumsticks, then toss to coat them in the spicy polenta. Arrange on a baking sheet.

Turn the chips over so that they brown evenly. Transfer the chicken drumsticks to the oven and bake below the chips for a further 25 minutes, turning them after 15 minutes. Serve with a green salad garnish.

As an alternative to spicy drumsticks, mix 2 tsp mixed dried herbs into the polenta instead of the ground spices.

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