Wednesday 26 February 2020

Romaine Salad with Smoked Mackerel & Parmesan

Romaine Salad with Smoked Mackerel & Parmesan

Serves 4

Points plan : 3½ per serving

Core: 1 pt per serving

1 Romaine or cos lettuce
120g smoked mackerel fillet, skinned
6 tbsp low fat plain yogurt
1 tsp wholegrain or dijon mustard
1 tsp horseradish sauce (optional)
salt & pepper
4 tbsp croutons (2pts)
4 tsp grated parmesan cheese (2pts)

Divide washed salad leaves between 4 serving bowls.  Break up the mackerel fillet into large chunks and remove any bones.  Divide between the salads.

Mix the yogurt with the mustard, horseradish and seasoning then drizzle over the salads.

Scatter over the croutons and sprinkle over the parmesan.

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