Friday 5 November 2021

Spicy no point soup

Spicy no point soup

From the kitchen of  LAURAMCDONALD

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 0

tin of chopped tomatoes;onions;
carrots;mushrooms and any other 0 point vegetables; 2 chicken stock cubes; 2 chilli peppers; 1/2 pint of water;

1.put in the tin of chopped tomatoes with 1/2 a pint of water into a pan and heat gently
2. add the 2 chicken stock cubes
3. add all the vegaetables
4. and finally add 2 or as many as u like of hot chilli peppers.
5. Cook gently until vegetables are soft.
6. U can eat the soup like this or when it has cooled down put it into a blender and blend until there are no lumps.  

Drink plenty of water with this as it can be quite hot!!


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