Thursday 18 November 2021

Slimming World's chocolate log

Slimming World's chocolate log

Everyone loves a slice of chocolate log at Christmas! If you're trying to watch what you eat, try Slimming World's healthier version

Slimming World syns: Extra Easy: 3 


42g/ 1½oz white self-raising flour, sifted

14g/ ½oz cocoa powder

4 eggs

57g/ 2oz caster sugar

fresh redcurrants and holly leaves, to decorate

For the filling

142g/ 5oz fat free natural fromage frais

11g sachet Options Chocolate Drink

artificial sweetener, to taste (optional)

113g/ 4oz raspberries

Preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. Sift the flour and cocoa together and set aside. Whisk the eggs and sugar together until thick and creamy. Fold in the flour and cocoa with a metal spoon.

Spoon the mixture into a lined 30 x 20cm/ 12 x 8 inch Swiss roll tin and smooth the surface. Bake in the oven for 10-12 minutes, until cooked and springy to the touch.

Turn out onto a sheet of lightly sugared baking parchment placed on top of a slightly damp, clean tea towel. Leave to cool and then remove the lining paper. Trim the edges.

Mix the fromage frais with the chocolate Options, reserving a little of the Options for dusting. Sweeten to taste, if necessary. Fold in the raspberries and spread over the chocolate sponge.

Use the baking parchment and tea towel to help you roll up the sponge (don’t worry if the sponge cracks a little – the chocolate powder will disguise it!). Place on a serving plate and dust with the reserved Options powder and decorate with the redcurrants and holly leaves.

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