Friday 5 November 2021

Blackberry and apple meringue

Blackberry and apple meringue


Put 2 cooking apples (peeled, cored, sliced) (5 sins), 4 oz blackberries (1 ½ sins), 4 tbsp water and artificial sweetener (to taste) into a saucepan and stew gently until tender. Whisk 1 egg white in a clean, dry bowl until stiff, then fold in 1 oz caster sugar ( 5 ½ sins) (alternatively to keep sins down add artificial sweetener) with a metal spoon. Spoon the stewed fruit into 4 small ovenproof dishes and pipe or spread the meringue on top. Bake in preheated oven (gas 3/160 C) for 15-20 mins or until meringue is crisp and browned.

3 sins per serving (serves 4) on both. If you replace the caster sugar with artificial sweetener, it becomes 1 ½ sins per serving. 

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