Friday 5 November 2021

Mini Raspberry Pavlovas

Mini Raspberry Pavlovas

From the kitchen of VMURRAY

servings | 4
estimated Points® per serving | 1

100g raspberries
3 meringue nests
fat free fromage frais
coca powder to dust

Take a small ramekin or glass cup.
Break up the meringues into small pieces. arrange a small layer of meringue in the bottom of the cup, add a few raspberries and then add a layer of fromage frais. Repeat the above until the cup is full, make sure you are left with fromage frais on the top. Decorate with a raspberry on top and a dusting of cocoa powder. Put in the fridge for a couple of hours.

I think they are actually 1.5 pts, depends on how much fromage frais you use.I use a glass cup as then you can see the layers and is v impressive when serving to friends!!! 

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