Friday 5 November 2021

BBQ Mediteranean Veg

BBQ Mediteranean Veg
From the kitchen of  CALNIC

servings |  6
estimated Points® per serving | 1

2 Courgettes
2 Red Onions
1 Green Pepper
1 Red Pepper
1 Yellow Pepper
100g Closed-Cup Mushrooms
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Bay Leaves (optional)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Slice courgette and onion. Chop peppers. Quarter mushrooms. Put all ingredients into a metal colander and mix in olive oil. Place on BBQ when it is just starting to get warm. Leave to cook slowly for about 1 hour. It should be ready at the same time as your meat. Stir every 5 minutes to ensure even cooking. About 20 mins before end of cooking add a handful of fresh bay leaves and stir in. Makes a tasy and filling side dish to go with your meat at a BBQ.  

Use an old colander as the bottom will burn quite badly!


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