Thursday 18 November 2021

Spicy bacon and bean soup

Spicy bacon and bean soup

1 pack lean back bacon (sliced into strips)

2 x tins chopped tomatoes

1 tin red kidney beans (drained)

1 tin blackeyed beans (drained)

(or use whatever tinned beans you have in or plain old baked beans will do )

1 large onion (chopped)

3-4 large carrots (peeled and chopped)

3-4 sticks celery (chopped...if you like it )

1 tsp dried oregano

2 cloves garlic (crushed)

3 pints vegetable or chicken stock

2 tsp chili powder (or more or less depends how you like it) 

spray oil

salt and pepper 

Spray a large saucepan with a little spray oil and put in the onions, celery and carrots and cook on a medium heat until the vegetables have started to soften , Add the bacon, garlic and oregano and fry until bacon is cooked (couple of minutes).

Add the tomatoes, stock , chili powder and bring to the boil then simmer for 30-40 minutes.

Finally add the beans and season to taste with salt and pepper and simmer for another 5 minutes to heat the beans through. 

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