Friday 5 November 2021

No points Tomato and Basil soup

No points Tomato and Basil soup
From the kitchen of  ANDYBRUCE

servings |  6
estimated Points® per serving | 0

6-8 tomatoes (roughly chopped)
1.5 pints of veg stock
1 TBLS dried basil

1. Put tomatoes into a saucepan with 2TBLS of water heat at a medium heat for 5 minutes stirring occasionally
2. Add stock and the dried basil bring to the boil then cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
3. Transfer to a blender and blend down to fine liquid.

4. Reheat as required (add a pinch of basil for colour).  

Adds points, but adding a 1/4 pint of semi skimmed milk makes it nice and creamy. This can be added during initial cooking or later as required.

Don't forget to add points


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