Tuesday 9 November 2021

Corn Beef Hash

Corn Beef Hash
Serves 2

Princes 200g tin Lean corned beef, mashed up (4 syn/2=2 syn each)
2 medium potatoes 
1 onions finely chopped 
100mL skimmed milk (from daily allowance)
2 Eggs 
1Tbsp dried or fresh chives
1Tbsp Brown Sauce (1syn)

Put the onions through a food processor to chop them small. Spray a pan with Fry Light and sauté the onion until soft. Peel and cut the potatoes and boil until soft. Mash them with a small amount of milk to a smooth mix, add the onions and chives, mix together.

Serve with a fried egg and brown sauce. 

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