Tuesday 16 March 2021




This is always a difficult thing to explain to members and it frequently comes up with members because you are all so amazing and come up with all these different ideas!! At slimming world we encourage you to eat unlimited free food but of course there is a limit to how much you can eat before you realise you are full and cant eat anymore because the free food have filling power... So what is a tweak? Tweaks are when you use a free food for a purpose other than what it was intended for therefore it will not have the filling power it would normally have.

I can give you some examples i have seen recently


Cous cous cake

Smash quiche

Lasagne crisps

Blended pasta n sauce

Chick pea nuts

Chick pea cakes


I would say when deciding if something is a tweak or not ask yourself this question if you were naturally slim would you use the food in this way? If the answer is no as with all the above then it is a tweak and should be synned using the product you are replacing. So if you are using cous cous instead of flour then you should syn the cous as flour if you are coating chicken with smash then you should syn it using breadcrumbs and pasta sheets to make doritoes then you should be synning those as doritoes

As always its your choice and some of these things you may have been doing with no ill effects and if your happy with your weight losses then great carry on but if your not this could be the reason and could be something you should look at changing. This is not something new at slimming world and it has always been the way it is to protect your weight losses!!



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