Tuesday 16 March 2021

Stuffed mushrooms

Stuffed mushrooms


3 medium or large flat mushrooms

½ onion, chopped small

1oz whole wheat cous cous

½ veg oxo cube

1 Medium Tomato

3 slices wholemeal bread (I used Warburton’s from the 400g loaf)

Garlic granules

1 tsp dried parsley

Fry light (buttery)


Pre-heat oven on gas mark 5

Peel the mushrooms and remove the stems (but keep them), chop the onion into small pieces, cut the mushroom stems into small pieces, spray a non-stick pan with fry light buttery and cook the onions & mushrooms, place cous cous in a bowl add ½ veg oxo cube and just cover with boiling water, leave to soak in.

Whizz up the bread in a food processor add dried parsley & garlic granules, add the mushrooms & onions to the cous cous mixture and give it a stir, place the mushrooms on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment, divide the cous cous mixture between the 3 mushrooms, top with a slice of tomato followed by the breadcrumbs, you may need to shape them (as i had to do that) once all are done spray with fry light buttery, place in the oven and cook on gas mark 5 for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.



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