Thursday 20 August 2020

Chicken with Bacon, Pesto & Basil

Chicken with Bacon, Pesto & Basil

Serves 4

Full Choice 6½ pts per serving

No Count   2 pts per serving

4 med chicken breasts, skinless & boneless
4 tsp pesto sauce, red or green (2pts)
4 tsp grated parmesan cheese,  (2pts)
8-12 basil leaves, plus extra for garnish
4 medium rashers lean back bacon
1 large red onion, sliced into wedges
2 green or yellow peppers, deseeded and quartered
2 tbsp olive oil (5pts)
4 tomatoes, cut into wedges
salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 200ºC/400ºF/Gas 6

Using a sharp knife, cut a pocket into each chicken breast.  Fill each pocket with a tsp of pesto, a tsp of parmesan and 2-3 basil leaves.  Season. Wrap a rasher of bacon around each chicken breast and secure with cocktail sticks.

Put the onion and peppers into a roasting dish and arrange the chicken on top.  Drizzle with the olive oil.

Roast for 15 mins then add the tomatoes.  Continue to roast for 10 mins, until the chicken is thoroughly cooked. (Check using a sharp knife, the juices should run clear)  Serve garnished with basil leaves.

Nice with green salad or extra no point veg.

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