Friday 14 August 2020

Cheating Tiramisu

Cheating Tiramisu
Servings | 2
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 2
No Count : 1½ pts per serving

4 Sponge fingers (½ pt each)
2 tsp coffee issolved with 1 tsp brandy and a little water
1 Tesco HE Vanilla yogurt
2 squirts of ½ fat spray cream (½ pt per spray)
a dusting of cocoa powder

Break the sponge fingers into pieces and cover with the coffee/brandy (not too much though), allow to soak in and top with the yogurt. Refridgerate for at least an hour and when ready to serve spray squirty cream on top and then a sprinkling of cocoa powder.

You may want to mix a little canderel with the yogurt.

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