Wednesday 15 September 2021

Yummy pasta sauce

Yummy pasta sauce
From the kitchen of  KITTY72

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 3

4 rashers lean smoked bacon
1 medium onion
big handful mushrooms
quarter red pepper
quarter green pepper
quarter yellow pepper
tin chopped tomatoes
2 sundried tomatoes (dry, not in oil)
mixed herbs
fresh basil (optional)

grill bacon rashers
finely dice onion and sweat in water in a pan until soft.
Add chopped mushrooms and a small pinch of salt.
When Mushrooms are soft add tinned tomatoes. Chop peppers and courgette finely and add to mix. Finely chop sundried toms and add along with good pinch mixed herbs and basil if using.
Chop bacon into small pieces and add. Simmer very low for 20 mins or until mix is your preferred consistency. Season to taste and serve with pasta.  

You can add pretty much which veggies you like. Use different peppers. Add finely diced carrot or leek. I just throw in what is at hand! To reduce points only use 2 rashers bacon for 1.5 pts per serving. For veggie dish leave out bacon and No points! Its really tasty and you can freeze it too. It makes a really satisfying dinner.


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