Wednesday 15 September 2021

No point ragout


No point ragout
From the kitchen of  ALEXSAYCE

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 0

1 x Tinned Tomatoes
1 x aubergine
1 x courgette
1 x onion
1 x yellow pepper
mushrooms (to taste)
herbs de provence

Chop all ingredients roughly the same size, add garlic and heat on medium in a non stick pan with the lid on so that it steams and seals - no need for oil this way! when starting to brown add the tomatoes and reduce the heat to a simmer for about 5/10 minutes.  

If you want to, serve this with pasta or a small pitta bread smeared with garlic puree and pop it under the grill or have both pasta & pita!! all for under 5 points!!!

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