Wednesday 15 September 2021

Neils Beef Curry

Neils Beef Curry

From the kitchen of  ANGIEDEE

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 3

425g tesco H/E beef
cubed steak.
1 lge red onion.
3 cloves garlic.
10g root ginger.
2 tbsp tesco H/E fromage frais.
1 med tomato.
1 tsp coriander powder.
1 tsp cumin.
1/2 tsp turmeric.
1/2 allspice.
1/2 tsp paprika.
1/2 garam masala.
1/2 tsp onion seeds.
pinch of mace.
pinch of cinnamon.
juice of 1 lemon.
1/2 bag mint.
fry light oil.

combine onions garlic & ginger finely chopped and fry in fry light spray oil. until lightly browned.
Next add juice of 1 lemon to spice mix and make into a paste.
rub paste into meat and add to the onion mixture, continue to fry for a further few minutes.
stir in tomato and fromage frais.
cook for 90 mins at 200c add mint for the last 20 mins.
remove lid if you want a drier curry for the last 10 mins.
I like to serve this with steamed leeks.  

This curry was created for me by my husband (hence the name) I adore spicy food and have found this dish fantastic you can have lots of it for next to no points.

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