Tuesday 14 September 2021



Serves 4


Perfect for packed lunches, parties and picnics!!

3 Warburton’s Thins
400g extra lean minced beef
1 onion, grated
1 beef stock cube
2 teaspoons Worcester sauce
Salt & pepper
1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs

1 pack gelatine
100ml stock made up with 1 beef stock cube

Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line an 8” x 4” baking dish with foil – enough that will fold over the pie.

Split the thins – put 2 pieces on the bottom – cut another into 3 (making 6 slices) and arrange around sides - spray with Frylight and bake in oven for 5 minutes.

In a large bowl mix together all the ingredients for the filling and press into base.

Cut 2 small holes in the remaining 2 pieces of Thin and place the thins on top of the meat and press down well.

Fold over the foil securely to keep all the edges together and bake for 20 minutes. Open the foil and bake for another 10 m- 15 minutes until crispy.

Fold the foil over the pie again and allow to cool.

When cool make up the gelatine with the hot stock and pour carefully into the holes (I use a plastic medicine syringe)

Allow to set before serving.

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