Tuesday 14 September 2021

Oil and Garlic Sauce


Oil and Garlic Sauce

Author: Andrew

While your portion of spaghetti is cooking, fry about three chopped cloves of garlic in about three tablespoons of olive oil over a low heat (I know what you're going to say, but hang on!).

Add three or four small crushed chillies (or more or less to taste) and about half a teaspoon of salt to the oil. Cook the garlic until it's just about starting to brown, but try not to burn it as it will taste bitter.

When pasta is cooked, use ONE tablespoon of the oil and mix well into your pasta. (1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil is a Healthy Extra B choice). It's cheap and just tastes wonderful, although if you dislike garlic (like our Majesty) you'll find it horrible! You can keep the oil and use it on pasta another day.

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