Wednesday 15 September 2021

Quorn Sausage Pasta

Quorn Sausage Pasta
From the kitchen of  BLAYNERS77

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 4

240g Dry Pasta
1 Tin of chopped Toms
2 Tbsp of Tomato Puree
Approx 6 Mushrooms
6 Quorn Sausages
One Chopped Pepper
One Chopped Onion
Two cloves of crushed garlic
Spray oil
Dried mixed Herbs
Crushed Chillies (optional)

1. Cook the pasta and grill the sausages, chop the sausages once they are cooked.

2. Meanwhile. fry the onion, garlic, pepper and mushroom until they are soft.

3. Add the tin of tomatoes, tomato puree, chopped cooked sausages, herbs and chillies and simmer for approx five minutes.

4. Drain pasta and put onto plates, cover with the sausage mixture.

5. Enjoy!!  

This is quite a versatile recipe and can be used with Real Sausage, Bacon or Chorizo instead of the Quorn, be wary of the extra points though!!!! 

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