Wednesday 15 September 2021

Yummy Casserole


Yummy Casserole

From the kitchen of  CHEESEFREAK

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 4

4 x Low fat sausages (6)
1 tin tomatoes (0)
Gravy (made with 4 tsps gravy and 1/2 pint boiling water) (1)
1 clove garlic, chopped (0)
1 onion (0)
No point veg (mushrooms/ peppers/ carrots/ parsnips - whatever you have/ fancy)
2 x bay leaf (0)
1 tsp mixed herbs (0)
A good dash of Worcestershire sauce (0)
1/3 tube tomato puree (0)
1 tsp cornflour made up into a paste with 1 tbsp water (0.5)

Fry sausages in spray oil on a high heat until just browning
Remove from the pan and put to one side
Fry in spray oil onions for a few minutes
Add Garlic and fry until all are brown
Add no point veg and fry for 2/3 mins
Add tin toms, gravy, tomato puree, all herbs and Worcestershire sauce.
Simmer for 5 mins
Add cornflour paste
Leave to simmer on a low heat for 30 mins, or until and root veg are cooked

I usually make this with sausages, but it's equally as good with chicken, and lower in points.

It makes loads of sauce and any left over is good to freeze and then have over a jacket spud for a tasty easy meal for about 0.5 pts for the sauce I'd guess.

Hope you enjoy it as much as me!


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