Wednesday 15 September 2021

Chinese chicken stir fry

Chinese chicken stir fry
From the kitchen of  RADADJ

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 4

canned spray olive (or veg) oil
2 medium chicken breasts, cubed
1 crushed clove of garlic
a few dashes of soy sauce
your choice of vegetables (e.g. spring onions, peppers, courgettes)
chinese 5-spice (1 tsp)
packet of chinese chicken noodle soup
1/2 pint water
fresh coriander, chopped roughly

Marinate chicken in soy sauce and 5-spice for best flavour (or just add while cooking to save time)
Spray wok with oil and fry garlic and chicken for approx. 5 mins
Add veggies, fry approx. 3 mins
Mix dry soup with 1/2 pint boiling water, add to wok
Simmer for 5 mins or so
Stir in coriander, then serve

Serve with boiled rice (add on points!)
I think it's 3 1/2 points per serving
I made this up last night from what I had left as I hadn't made it to the supermarket in time!


Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry

Beef & Broccoli Stir Fry
From the kitchen of  ADELE8251

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 3

350 g Beef, rump steak
1 level tablespoon cornflour
1 teaspoon sesame oil
350 g broccoli
4 spring onions
1 medium carrot
1 clove garlic
1 inch piece ginger
1 Beef Stock Cubes
2 tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
2 tablespoon Dry Sherry
2 teaspoon light brown sugar

Trim the beef and cut into thin slices. Coat in cornflour.

Heat sesame oil and stir fry beef for 3 mins. Remove to side.

Add broccoli, spring onion, carrot, garlic, ginger and stock.

Cover and simmer for 3 mins. Remove lid and cook until stock has totally reduced.

Mix soy, sherry and brown sugar and add to wok with beef. Cook for 3 min stirring continuously.

Serve with rice or noodles. (Points not included)


Chocolate coke cake


Chocolate coke cake
From the kitchen of  POOKIENOODLE

servings |  8
estimated Points® per serving | 2

1 X american cake mix(ie betty crocker)1xcan diet coke

mix cake mix with 3/4 can coke. you do not need to add the egg or oil that it says to use on the packet. bake as per packet instructions.  

this cake is quite crumbly so is best made as individual fairy cakes. you can use any flavour cake mix and any diet fizzy drink (vanilla cake and tango is good)

Chilli Chicken Wraps


Chilli Chicken Wraps
From the kitchen of  MHAIRIW

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 4

1 chicken fillet cut into strips
2 soft tortillas
1 chopped onion
1 chopped green pepper
4 tbs chopped tomatoes
1 tbs red kidney beans
chilli powder
salt & pepper
lettuce, cucumber & salad onions

Brown chicken strips, green pepper & onion in frying pan then sprinkle over garlic.
Add chopped tomatoes, kidney beans and chilli powder then season to taste.
Simmer for around 10 minutes then leave to cool.
Fill wraps with chilli chicken and salad.


Chicken & Leek Casserole

Chicken & Leek Casserole
From the kitchen of  NICOLADAVIES

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 3

4 Chicken Breasts
2 carrots
1 Large leek
1 onion
Large tin Chopped tomatoes
1/2 pt Chicken Stock
1 tbsp cornflour mixed with a touch of water.

Fry onions and leek in spray oil until soft. Add Chicken to a casserole dish and pour over stock, tomatoes and cornflour mix. Add the carrots and herbs then mix gently.
Place in a pre-heated oven (gas mark 4) for 1 hour to 1½ hours. If the sauce hasn't thickened place on the hob and boil rapidly for a few mins.  

Serve with 200g new potatoes and some vegetables - yummy!!!


Jimmie's Chicken

Jimmie's Chicken
From the kitchen of  MHAIRIW

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 5

2 chicken fillets
2 tsps grated parmesan
2 slices ww white bread made into breadcrumbs
spray oil

Cut each chicken fillet into chunks. Mix breadcrumbs with parmesan and parsley.
Spray each chicken chunk with spray oil and toss in breadcrumb mixture to coat.
Cook in oven for about 20-25 minutes at 180/GM5  

This dish is great served with a baked potato or mashed potatoes and heaps of steamed vegetables.



From the kitchen of  USER38

servings |  1
estimated Points® per serving | 8

1 slice cornedbeef, onions and mushrooms:chopped, 1 low fat sausage, half tin w.w bakedbeans, 1 potato (jkt size) sliced, 1 cube bovril (make by instructions)

chop mush,onions, chop sausage, chop cornedbeef, put them all in ovenproof dish, then add baked beans, slice potato over the top, make bovril up to what the pkt says, then pour over the potato's, cover dish put in the oven for half an hour on 200.  

to check if cooked potatoes should be soft. hope you enjoy! 

No point ragout


No point ragout
From the kitchen of  ALEXSAYCE

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 0

1 x Tinned Tomatoes
1 x aubergine
1 x courgette
1 x onion
1 x yellow pepper
mushrooms (to taste)
herbs de provence

Chop all ingredients roughly the same size, add garlic and heat on medium in a non stick pan with the lid on so that it steams and seals - no need for oil this way! when starting to brown add the tomatoes and reduce the heat to a simmer for about 5/10 minutes.  

If you want to, serve this with pasta or a small pitta bread smeared with garlic puree and pop it under the grill or have both pasta & pita!! all for under 5 points!!!

Quorn Sausage Pasta

Quorn Sausage Pasta
From the kitchen of  BLAYNERS77

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 4

240g Dry Pasta
1 Tin of chopped Toms
2 Tbsp of Tomato Puree
Approx 6 Mushrooms
6 Quorn Sausages
One Chopped Pepper
One Chopped Onion
Two cloves of crushed garlic
Spray oil
Dried mixed Herbs
Crushed Chillies (optional)

1. Cook the pasta and grill the sausages, chop the sausages once they are cooked.

2. Meanwhile. fry the onion, garlic, pepper and mushroom until they are soft.

3. Add the tin of tomatoes, tomato puree, chopped cooked sausages, herbs and chillies and simmer for approx five minutes.

4. Drain pasta and put onto plates, cover with the sausage mixture.

5. Enjoy!!  

This is quite a versatile recipe and can be used with Real Sausage, Bacon or Chorizo instead of the Quorn, be wary of the extra points though!!!! 

Spuds With Something Extra

Spuds With Something Extra
From the kitchen of  CLAIRE2002

servings |  6
estimated Points® per serving | 5

1tbsp olive oil
2.5kg small cooking potatoes
250g bacon (shoulder)
1 tsp mixed herbs
salt and pepper to taste
1 pint water

toss everything into a large cooking pot and cook until potatoes are soft.  

5 points makes an enormous plate piled to the ceiling(well nearly anyway). Big portion. Scrummy and cheap.


Steak in Red Wine


Steak in Red Wine
From the kitchen of  SANDRAHMICHAEL

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 6

2 x 225g Steaks-Rump, Sirloin (remove fat) or Fillet if spesh occasion!
200 ml red wine
1 shallot (finely chopped)
1 clove of garlic (crushed)
Salt & Pepper

Marinate the steaks in a non-metallic dish with the wine, shallot, garlic & seasoning. Leave to marinate for at least 1 hour, the longer the better! Heat a ridged griddle pan with spray oil until really hot, pat the steaks dry with kitchen roll, reserving the marinade & pan-fry each side for about 4 minutes, remove steaks, lower the heat & add the marinade & heat it through for 2 mins, pour over the steaks & enjoy!  

I made this last night & I was very impressed with myself so thought Id share it with you-it was delicious!!

Yummy Casserole


Yummy Casserole

From the kitchen of  CHEESEFREAK

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 4

4 x Low fat sausages (6)
1 tin tomatoes (0)
Gravy (made with 4 tsps gravy and 1/2 pint boiling water) (1)
1 clove garlic, chopped (0)
1 onion (0)
No point veg (mushrooms/ peppers/ carrots/ parsnips - whatever you have/ fancy)
2 x bay leaf (0)
1 tsp mixed herbs (0)
A good dash of Worcestershire sauce (0)
1/3 tube tomato puree (0)
1 tsp cornflour made up into a paste with 1 tbsp water (0.5)

Fry sausages in spray oil on a high heat until just browning
Remove from the pan and put to one side
Fry in spray oil onions for a few minutes
Add Garlic and fry until all are brown
Add no point veg and fry for 2/3 mins
Add tin toms, gravy, tomato puree, all herbs and Worcestershire sauce.
Simmer for 5 mins
Add cornflour paste
Leave to simmer on a low heat for 30 mins, or until and root veg are cooked

I usually make this with sausages, but it's equally as good with chicken, and lower in points.

It makes loads of sauce and any left over is good to freeze and then have over a jacket spud for a tasty easy meal for about 0.5 pts for the sauce I'd guess.

Hope you enjoy it as much as me!


Yummy pasta sauce

Yummy pasta sauce
From the kitchen of  KITTY72

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 3

4 rashers lean smoked bacon
1 medium onion
big handful mushrooms
quarter red pepper
quarter green pepper
quarter yellow pepper
tin chopped tomatoes
2 sundried tomatoes (dry, not in oil)
mixed herbs
fresh basil (optional)

grill bacon rashers
finely dice onion and sweat in water in a pan until soft.
Add chopped mushrooms and a small pinch of salt.
When Mushrooms are soft add tinned tomatoes. Chop peppers and courgette finely and add to mix. Finely chop sundried toms and add along with good pinch mixed herbs and basil if using.
Chop bacon into small pieces and add. Simmer very low for 20 mins or until mix is your preferred consistency. Season to taste and serve with pasta.  

You can add pretty much which veggies you like. Use different peppers. Add finely diced carrot or leek. I just throw in what is at hand! To reduce points only use 2 rashers bacon for 1.5 pts per serving. For veggie dish leave out bacon and No points! Its really tasty and you can freeze it too. It makes a really satisfying dinner.


1/2 pt Stir-fried cabbage and peppers

1/2 pt Stir-fried cabbage and peppers

From the kitchen of  TAMSINBH

servings |  3
estimated Points® per serving | 1

2 tsp oil (1.5pts)
1 small onion, finely sliced
1/2 red pepper, sliced
1/2 yellow pepper, sliced
2 cloves garlic, sliced
1/2 firm white cabbage, finely sliced
25ml sherry (0.5pt)

Heat the oil in a large frying pan or wok. Add the onion and stir-fry for 3 mins until starting to soften. Add the peppers and stir-fry for 2 mins then add the garlic and cabbage. Stir-fry over a high heat for about 3 mins until wilting then add the sherry and some seasoning. Allow the sherry to bubble away then serve immediately.  

Only 1/2 pt per serving for this lovely colourful veggie side dish. Obviously if you used oil-spray it would be 0 pts, but it really is worth using the oil here, or it tends to scorch. Try it even if you think you don't like cabbage - it tastes completely different when you stir-fry it, with a sweet and nutty flavour.

Hot and Cold Soup

Hot and Cold Soup
From the kitchen of  FLORRIE

servings |  6
estimated Points® per serving | 0

1 onion 1 carrot
1 pepper 1 courgette
2 tins chopped tomatoes
2 teasp veg stock powder (Marigold is best) 1 teasp powdered sweetener
salt pepper and Worcester sauce to taste

Chop vegetables roughly and add to tinned tomatoes together with rest of ingredients
Blitz with blender
Add a little water if too thick  

Eat cold from fridge on hot days
Heat in microwave on cold days
Keeps in fridge for several days
Good filler !!


Seriously mexican tortilla wrap


Seriously mexican tortilla wrap

From the kitchen of  KATHY02

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 7

2 lge chicken breasts (skinned,and cut into long strips)
1 med green pepper (cut into strips)
1 carrot thinly grated
1 small onion chopped into long thin strips
1 pkt beansprouts
4tbl spoons of lemon juice
3 tbl spoons lite soy sauce
jalapeno peppers to taste (now available in jars from Tesco)
soft thin Tortilla wraps

6 tbs sps of lite mayo
2 tbs of lemon juice
1/4 tsp garlic puree
1/4 tsp chilli flakes

marinade the strips of chicken in 2 tbs lemon juice and 1 tbs of soy sauce lite
stir fry chicken until cooked add veg

mix up dip
warm tortillos
and eat

jalapino peppers are seriously hot and should be used with caution!




From the kitchen of  LORRAINEDEE

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 0

2 veg stock cubes
spring onions
1 carrot
1 teaspoon thai seven spice seasoning
1 leek shredded finely
1 Small courgette shredded finely
1 small pepper de seeded and shredded finely
50g savoy cabbage shredded coarsly
a pinch of dried red chilli (optional)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 table spoon of parsley to garnish.


1. Pour the stock into a large saucepan and add the spring onions and carrot. Bring back to boil, then cover and reduce the heat. Simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Add the thai spice, leek, courgette, pepper and cabbage. Add the red chilli flakes, if using, replace the lid and bring back to a simmer. Simmer for a further 5 mins.
3.Season to taste, then ladle the soup into warm bowls and serve, garnished with chopped fresh coriander or parsley.


Freezing not recommended

Neils Beef Curry

Neils Beef Curry

From the kitchen of  ANGIEDEE

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 3

425g tesco H/E beef
cubed steak.
1 lge red onion.
3 cloves garlic.
10g root ginger.
2 tbsp tesco H/E fromage frais.
1 med tomato.
1 tsp coriander powder.
1 tsp cumin.
1/2 tsp turmeric.
1/2 allspice.
1/2 tsp paprika.
1/2 garam masala.
1/2 tsp onion seeds.
pinch of mace.
pinch of cinnamon.
juice of 1 lemon.
1/2 bag mint.
fry light oil.

combine onions garlic & ginger finely chopped and fry in fry light spray oil. until lightly browned.
Next add juice of 1 lemon to spice mix and make into a paste.
rub paste into meat and add to the onion mixture, continue to fry for a further few minutes.
stir in tomato and fromage frais.
cook for 90 mins at 200c add mint for the last 20 mins.
remove lid if you want a drier curry for the last 10 mins.
I like to serve this with steamed leeks.  

This curry was created for me by my husband (hence the name) I adore spicy food and have found this dish fantastic you can have lots of it for next to no points.

Tuesday 14 September 2021




Serves 4

0.5 - 1 Syn per serving.

200g bulghar wheat
250g salmon fillet
1 onion, finely chopped
2.5cm piece of ginger, peeled and finely chopped
150g FF Greek yoghurt
1-2 tbsp. Patak's Korma paste
Juice of half a lemon
150g smoked salmon
Small handful of coriander or parsley, finely chopped

Cook the bulghar wheat in plenty of salted water, following pack instructions. Drain, tip into a large bowl and cool.
Put the salmon fillet on a foil-lined grill and spray with Frylight before seasoning. Grill for 7-10 mins, turning once halfway through, until it flakes easily. Cool.
Frylight another pan, add the onions and ginger and fry for about 5 mins until softened and lightly coloured.
Stir in the curry paste and cook for 1 minute, stirring. Remove from the heat and stir in the yoghurt, lemon juice and some seasoning. Leave to cool.
Skin and flake the salmon fillet. Cut the smoked salmon into strips. Add the fresh salmon and half the salmon strips to the bulghar wheat with the yoghurt dressing and half the coriander. Stir everything together lightly so as not to break the salmon up too much.
Tip onto a serving plate and scatter over the remaing smoked salmon strips and coriander. Add lemon wedges and serve.



Serves 4

Syn Free

1 red onion, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
Half a teaspoon of garam masala
One and a half teaspoons of mild curry powder
100g red lentils
400g can of chopped tomatoes
400g can of chickpeas
200g baby spinach

Spray a large pan with Frylight. Saute the onion and garlic for 3 minutes.
Stir in the spices and the lentils and cook for one minute. Season with salt.
Pour in 250ml of water.
Add the tomatoes and bring to the boil.
Cover and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until the lentils are swollen.
Stir in chickpeas and the spinach and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Remove from the heat and stir 3 tbsp. of FF natural yoghurt through before serving, if you like. 




Serves 4.

2 Syns for the entire recipe.

2 red onions, sliced
2 celery sticks, chopped
2 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
3 skinless chicken breasts or thighs, cut into slices - easiest with kitchen scissors
1 tbsp. ginger preserve - Asda Chosen By You, Duerr's Chunky Ginger Preserve and Waitrose Ginger Preserve are all 2 Syns per level tbsp. Could add more but don't forget to Syn.
1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tbsp. rice vinegar
200g passata

Preheat a non-stick wok or frying pan until hot.
Add the onion, celery and garlic and colour lightly before adding the chicken. Turn the chicken so it is sealed on all sides.
Add the ginger, lime and vinegar and cook for one minute before adding the passata. Simmer gently for 10 minutes.
Check the chicken is fully cooked through and serve.



Serves 4

Syn Free.

450g extra lean pork mince*
4 tbsp. freshly chopped basil
2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
3 tomatoes, skinned and chopped
1 each - green, red and yellow pepper, deseeded and chopped into small chunks
225g cherry tomatoes
2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

Preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6, 15 minutes before cooking.
Mix together the pork, basil, 1 crushed garlic clove, the 3 tomatoes and seasoning until well combined.
With damp hands, divide the mixture into 16 equal portions, then roll into balls and set aside.
Spray the base of a large roasting tin with Frylight and place the pork balls in it with the remaining garlic and peppers. Bake for about 15 minutes.
Remove from the oven and stir in the cherry tomatoes and season to taste with plenty of salt and pepper. Bake for about a further 20 minutes.
Remove from the oven, stir in the balsamic vinegar and serve immediately.




Serves 4

Syn Free.

2 courgettes, sliced
1 large red pepper, peeled, de-seeded and cut into strips. The pepper needs peeling otherwise the skin hardens. 
2 monkfish fillets, about 125g each, skin and membrane removed. The fishmonger in store will do this for you.
6 smoked rashers of bacon, all visible fat removed.

Preheat the oven to 190C/gas 5. Cut 4 large pieces of tin foil, each about 23cm squared. Brush with Frylight, then divide the courgettes and red pepper among them.
Rinse the fish under cold running water and pat dry with kitchen roll.
Cut the fish in half, then put 1 piece on top of each pile of courgettes and pepper.
Cut the bacon rashers in half and lay 3 pieces across each piece of fish. Season with pepper and a little salt. Spray well with Frylight.
Close up the parcels, seal tightly and transfer them to an ovenproof dish. Bake for 25 minutes.

These are lovely with pasta and veg, new potatoes and veg................ 

Lemon drizzle cake

Lemon drizzle cake


from best slimming world recipe book.

Serves 10
syn - 4 each slice on both plans

prep time 25 mins
cooking 25-30 mins

4 eggs ( i used 6 eggs yolks tho as only had small eggs)
50 g caster sugar
5 tbls of sweetener
150 g of self raising flour
1 tsp of baking powder
2 tbls of grated lemon zest
1 tsp icing sugar to dusr

For drizzle

long strips of zest from lemon
juice of 2 lemons
1 tbsp of arrowroot
4 tsp of sweetener
60 ml water

Preheat oven 190/ gas 5
Line baking tray ( i used 22cm/9in) within non stick baking paper

place egg yolks, caster sugar, flour, sweetner, baking powder and lemon zest in bowl and whisk until thick and pale

in separate bowl whisk egg white until softly peaked then fold into yolk mixture.

Spoon mixture into tin and oven for 25-30 mins - or until cake has risen and is firm to touch. Leave to cool.

Meanwhile place all drizzle ingredient in a pan on the heat and stir continous until mixture is thick . drizzle over cake.

once sauce set , dust cake with icing sugar






Serves 4
Sins per serving: 5.5 on Green and Original  25

340g/12oz small strawberries
4 tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice
1-2 tsp granulated artificial sweetener
200g pot very low fat natural fromage frais
1 x 11g sachet Chocolate & Orange Options
1 level tsp cocoa powder
4 ready made meringue nests
Orange zest to decorate

Wash the strawberries and pat dry. Hull all but two of them. Slice the
remaining strawberries and place half in a blender or food processor with the
orange juice. Blend until smooth, then sweeten the puree with enough
sweetener to taste. Cover and chill the puree and the whole and sliced
strawberries until required.

Place the fromage frais in a small bowl and sieve in the Options and cocoa
powder. Mix until well combined. Cover and chill until required.

Just before serving, spoon the chocolate fromage frais on to each meringue
nest and pile the reserved sliced strawberries on top. Place on individual
serving plates, and decorate each with half a strawberry and orange zest.
Drizzle the strawberry puree on to the plate and serve.




3 eggs
3 fl oz skimmed milk
2 oz wafer thin ham, sliced
a few small cooked potatoes
4 oz mushrooms
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
Fry Light
salt & pepper

Beat eggs and milk together, season.
Spray a large frying pan with fry light, fry potatoesand mushrooms, pour in egg mixture mix with a fork.Add tomatoes and ham, cook until bottom is set, put pan under grill and cook until set.


Pete’s Teriyaki sauce, Mushrooms & Salmon with Couscous

Pete’s Teriyaki sauce, Mushrooms & Salmon with Couscous

Serves 2

1 Schultz garlic, mushroom & cream sauce (4.5syn/2=2.25syn)
1 lemon, juice 
2 Salmon fillets 
100g Couscous 
150g mushrooms, sliced thinly 
200mL “Herb” stock (Knorr herb stockpot)
300mL skimmed milk, part of the daily allowance (1 Hea)
1tbsp dill

Teriyaki sauce

1tbsp sweetener
1tbsp light soy sauce
1tbsp white wine vinegar
2tbsp water
2tbsp lemon juice (ss) (sff)
Salt & Pepper
Make up the hot stock, bring to a boil, thicken & set aside.

Measure the couscous and place in a bowl, add the stock, stir with a fork and cover with Clingfilm. Set aside.
Place the sliced mushrooms in a saucepan sprayed with fry light and cook until soft.
In an ovenproof dish lined with tinfoil, place the salmon in and marinade with the dill and juice of the lemon, cut slices from the lemon for later.
Preheat the oven to 180c, add the lemon slices on the salmon, cover & place the salmon in the middle shelf after marinating for at least 10 mins, cook covered for the first 15 mins then open to finish cooking.
Mix the ingredients for the teriyaki sauce in a small pan and heat, stirring until it thickens, remove and add to the mushrooms, stir and increase the heat, cook until the sauce has been absorbed into the mushrooms.
Make up the mushroom sauce by tipping the powder into a small saucepan, mix milk until smooth, slowly add the remaining milk while stirring until it thickens, add to the mushrooms, bring to the boil then reduce, allow it to thicken. 
Remove the Clingfilm from the couscous, fluff up with a fork and plate up.

Place the salmon on top of the couscous, the mushrooms to one side. 

Instant Mash Pie

Instant Mash Pie

Serves 4

125g instant mash powder
4 rashers of smoked bacon, cut into small pieces 
100mL skimmed milk (>1/4 Hea)
1tbsp dried basil
1tbsp garlic salt

Boil 4 eggs for 7-8 mins until hard boiled, remove from the heat & run under cold water and leave to go cold, peel & set to one aside.
Cut the bacon and fry until crisp, set to one side.

Mix the Instant mash with hot water, add the basil & garlic salt, mix together and chill in a fridge for 10 mins, remove from the fridge and on a flat work surface lay down a layer of cling film, deposit the mash on top of it and cover with another layer of Clingfilm. Roll out until it is about 8-10mm thick.

Remove the top layer of the Clingfilm and cut into strips the depth of your dishes, line the dish and make a ball of the mash and press into the base & mould it to fill the base.

Chop the eggs into small pieces and add the bacon, season, fill each dish. Break the last egg into a dish, mix with the milk and pour unto the dishes until it reaches the top. Place in a tray & cover with tinfoil.
Preheat the oven 180c and cook the food for 35 mins, remove tinfoil & cook for a further 10 mins until the egg sets. Serve with chips and a side salad.


Curly Wurly Scan Bran cake

Curly Wurly Scan Bran cake

12 Syns for the whole cake!


4 Scan Bran 2 eggs

3 or 4 tbsp sweetener (to taste) 1 sachet Belgian Choc Options

26g Curly Wurly bar


Soak the Scan Bran in boiling water to soften. Then drain and mash.

Beat the eggs and stir into mix, along with the sweetener and Belgian

Choc Options Chop the Curly Wurly into pieces and add to the mix

Pour the mixture into a microwavable bowl and cook for around 6 minutes. When cooked the cake will be springy to the touch and will have pulled away from the side.

Tip: For those who don’t have a microwave, you can cook the cake on 200°C/Gas Mark 6 for approximately 30 minutes.

Scan Bran Chocolate Cake

Scan Bran Chocolate Cake


11.5 syns for the whole cake

5 scan bran

3 beaten eggs

1 level tbs golden syrup

1 oz cocoa powder 2.5 syns or 2 chocolate options 4 syns

¼ cup of sweetener


Soak the scan bran in boiling water till soft drain and mash

Mix together with 3 beaten eggs golden syrup, sweetener and cocoa or chocolate options

Pour in to microwavable silicone cake dish and microwave for 7minutes

You can experiment with different toppings such as quark mixed with sweetener served with fresh raspberries.

Or use a Cadbury’s light chocolate mousse for only  3 syns 

Oil and Garlic Sauce


Oil and Garlic Sauce

Author: Andrew

While your portion of spaghetti is cooking, fry about three chopped cloves of garlic in about three tablespoons of olive oil over a low heat (I know what you're going to say, but hang on!).

Add three or four small crushed chillies (or more or less to taste) and about half a teaspoon of salt to the oil. Cook the garlic until it's just about starting to brown, but try not to burn it as it will taste bitter.

When pasta is cooked, use ONE tablespoon of the oil and mix well into your pasta. (1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil is a Healthy Extra B choice). It's cheap and just tastes wonderful, although if you dislike garlic (like our Majesty) you'll find it horrible! You can keep the oil and use it on pasta another day.

Laughing Cow Creamy Pasta Sauce


Laughing Cow Creamy Pasta Sauce

Author: Helen

Have you tried melting a Laughing Cow light cheese triangle into Dolmio Light Pasta Sauce and adding peppers, mushrooms etc. Works well for me.

Nacho Wedge Feast


Nacho Wedge Feast

500g lean minced beef

Enough potatoes for two people, cut into wedges

1 onion - diced

1 red pepper - chopped

1 tin chopped tomatoes

1 tbsp tomato purée

2 tsp cumin

2 tsp paprika

Half tsp chilli powder

Half tsp sweetener

Quarter tsp salt

2 fresh tomatoes - roughly chopped

Grated cheese from HEXa

Jalepenos - optional


Place all the wedges in a large oven dish sprayed with frylite, cover with more fryite, and bake at 200° for approximately 30-40 minutes, turning occasionally.

Meanwhile, fry the mince using frylite until almost browned. Add in the onions, then the peppers and fry for another 5 minutes.

Add the tinned tomatoes, tomato purée, the cumin, paprika, chilli, sweetener and salt, then season well.

Continue to fry until the mixture has reduced into a thick sauce (10 minutes or so). Stir in the fresh tomato, and remove from the heat.

Once the wedges are cooked, place into an oven proof dish, spoon the beef mixture over the top, then top with the cheese and jalapeño if you are using. Grill until the cheese is golden brown.

Sticky Five Spice Gammon


Sticky Five Spice Gammon

A gorgeous Slimming World recipe for Five Spice Gammon. Brilliantly simple!

Serves 4
1 per serving (4 for the whole recipe)

2 tsp Chinese 5-Spice powder
4 x 175g gammon steak cut into bite-sized pieces (remove all the fat first)
Frylite or other syn-free cooking spray
2 red chillies, deseeded and finely sliced
Finely grated zest and juice of an orange
1 level tbsp of runny honey
100 ml of chicken stock
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
Pak choi to serve
Egg noodles to serve

1 – Cook the noodles according to packet instructions

2 – Sprinkle the 5-spice powder over the gammon pieces.

3 – Put a few sprays of frylite into a wok or large frying pan.

4 – Cook the gammon over a high heat for around 2-3 minutes until the edges are slighty browned.

5 – Add the soy sauce, honey, red chillies, orange zest and juice and stock and simmer for 4-5 minutes or until the sauce becomes sticky and the gammon is glazed and golden (with slightly burned edges if you like that sort of thing).

6 – Serve straight away with pak choi and cooked egg noodles, and any pan juices poured over.

Liver and bacon

Liver and bacon

This is 1 syn per portion and this recipe serves 4

1lb lambs liver (washed, trimmed and dried on kitchen paper)
2 large onions (sliced)
spray oil
1/2 lb lean back bacon (trimmed of fat) 
1 tbsp plain flour
1/2 pint beef stock
salt and pepper

(You will need a plastic food bag for this too)

Turn the oven on to 180/350/gas4.

Spray a large  frying pan lightly with spray oil and cook the onions over a low heat until soft then add the bacon and cook for a few more minutes until bacon is cooked then place it all  into an oven proof casserole dish .

In the plastic food bag add the flour and a good grinding of black pepper and a 1/2 tsp salt and mix well, Add the slices of liver , secure the top of the bag (IMPORTANT if you dont want to redecorate your kitchen!!) and then shake the bag lightly until all the liver is coated with flour.

Spray the frying pan with more spray oil and heat and then shake off any excess flour and lay the slices of liver into the frying pan. Give the liver a couple of minutes over a medium heat until a crust has formed underneath the liver then flip the pieces over and cook for another minute on the other side and then place this into the casserole dish .  

Add the beef stock to the frying pan and stir well to scrape up all the savoury bits from the bottom of the pan then pour over the liver, bacon and onions  in the casserole dish.

Stir everything well, cover the dish with a lid or a double layer of foil and then place in the oven for 30 minutes, Remove from the oven and leave to stand for 10 minutes

Serve with lots of veg and some potatoes

Steak with blue cheese sauce and herb and garlic potatoes

Steak with blue cheese sauce and herb and garlic potatoes

sirloin steak (very well trimmed of fat) approx 6-8 ounces
salt and pepper
spray oil
1oz blue cheese (crumbled)
1/2 pint beef stock

6oz new potatoes (cut into small pieces)
1/2 tsp dried thyme
14 tsp garlic powder (or 1 crushed clove of garlic)
salt and pepper
spray oil

Place potatoes in a small roasting tin and spray with oil sprinkle with the thyme, garlic , salt and pepper and shake well, Place in the oven on the highest heat and roast for about 20-30 minutes take them out and shake the pan every 10 minutes or so.

After potatoes have been in for about 20 minutes heat up a frying pan and spray with oil and season the steak with lots of salt and pepper on both sides.

Place steak in the hot frying pan  and fry for 2-5 minutes each side depending how well done you like your steak. Place steak on a plate , cover with foil and place to one side. Remember to rest the steak for as long as you cooked it for this allows the juices to sink back into the steak and make it juicy and covered with foil it stays warm for a good while.

Pour the beef stock into the pan you cooked the steak in (remember it was trimmed of all fat so its just meat juices in the pan). Bring it to the boil and boil it very well until it is reduced to just a few tablespoons of stock then remove from the heat and gently stir in the blue cheese.

Place the potatoes on the bed of spinach and the steak then pour over the blue cheese sauce.

This serves one and it is about 5 syns which I know isn't that low but its a very tasty treat dinner.


BBQ saucy shredded chicken

BBQ saucy shredded chicken


We all love BBQ pulled pork but did you know you can do the same with chicken? I prefer to call it shredded chicken pulled chicken sounds a bit odd to me but it's basically the same thing.

I use my BBQ cola sauce. 
The chicken is so easy to make just put everything in the slow cooker and it's done in a few hours.

4 chicken breasts
1 large onion (sliced)
BBQ cola sauce 

Just place everything in a slow cooker and cook on low for 6-7 hours , Take off the lid an hour before serving and turn up to high to let the sauce evaporate and thicken a bit.

Take two forks and simply shred the chicken and mix well with the sauce.

Serve 4 and is syn free

Cola BBQ sauce

  • 500g passata
  • 2 floz worcestershire sauce
  • 2 floz balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp dry mustard powder
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 can diet pepsi or coke as you prefer.

Put everything in a saucepan and mix very well, Bring to a boil then simmer until tomato sauce consistency.

Syn free

Nigellas spicy Korean beef bowl

Nigellas spicy Korean beef bowl

I know I'm a bit obsessed with Nigella Lawson new book 'Simply Nigella' and I'm making loads of the recipes but Slimming World friendly so look out in future weeks, This recipe was not only really easy to make but it was really tasty too my family really enjoyed it.

The chili sauce used is Sriracha and I found it in the ethnic foods aisle in ASDA but saw they had it yesterday in Marks & Spencer and its fabulous because its so tasty with chili and garlic you don't need to add any other spices or seasonings apart from the soy sauce which means you don't need to add any salt. The original recipe asks for short grain brown rice to be used but couldn't find any so used long grain brown rice and it was fine.

The measurements are in cups and I picked up measuring cups really cheaply in the supermarket but you can use a mug as a measure if you prefer.

500g minced beef (less than 5% fat)
1 can chopped tomatoes
1  1/4 cups brown rice
1/4 cup (4 tbsps) sriracha sauce
1/4 cup (4 tbsps) soy sauce
1 bag beansprouts

Place the beef, rice, sriracha sauce, soy sauce and tomatoes in a slow cooker and rinse out the can with cold water and add that too. Mix everything together really well and then cook on low for 4 hours.

Put the beansprouts in a large bowl and pour a kettle of boiling water over them and leave for 1 minute then drain and add to the slow cooker and mix everything together very well, Put the lid back on and leave for 5 minutes then serve.

Serve 4 at 1/2 syn per portion

NOTE:  I made it in the slow cooker but Nigella says you can make it in a oven in a heavy based cast iron dish with a lid on and cook on Gas 4/180/350 for 2 - 2/12 hours and add the beansprouts the same way at the end.

Creamy pepper sauce

Creamy pepper sauce


I LOVE pepper sauce with steak but its usually made with double cream and so definitely a no no but this recipe which I've made for years is really quick and easy and tastes delicious (if I say so myself!)

It's really good with chicken too and the best bit is you can control how peppery you like it. I start with half a teaspoon but you can always add more the same with the garlic you can use more or leave it out completely its the best part of home cooking is making it how you like it.

250ml beef stock (from a cube is ok)
35g light philadelphia or low fat cream cheese  (plain or with garlic and herbs)
1 shallot or small onion (finely chopped)
low calorie spray oil
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper,
1 clove garlic (crushed - leave out if you don't want it too garlicky)

Take a small frying pan and spray with the spray oil, Add the chopped shallot or onion and fry over a low heat until it's softened.

Add the stock and garlic and pepper (if used) and bring to the boil then turn the heat down so its just simmering then slowly stir in the philadelphia and keep stirring until melted into the sauce.

Taste to see if need salt then season ,stir and let it simmer gently until thickened 




2 teaspoons olive oil
1 large onion, finely diced
1 clove of garlic, crushed
1 red chilli, finely chopped
75g mushrooms, chopped
500g lean minced pork 
4 slices WW bread, made into breadcrumbs
1 teaspoon cumin
2 teaspoons dried sage
2 firm tomatoes, diced
Salt & pepper to taste
2 eggs beaten

Preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan and gently fry the onion for 5 minutes or until softened, stirring occasionally. Add the mushrooms, garlic and chilli and cook for 1 minute more, stirring constantly.
Tip the onion and garlic into a large bowl and add the mince, ¾ of the breadcrumbs, the sage, cumin, salt and pepper. Mix everything well with clean hands, then add the beaten eggs and chopped tomatoes and mix again. Form the mixture into a rough ball.
Place the ball in the centre of a roasting tin and shape it into a long loaf, about 4cm high or place in a 2lb loaf tin lined with baking paper. Sprinkle the reserved breadcrumbs on top and pat them lightly into the outside of the loaf. Bake in the centre of the oven for 20 – 30 minutes, until well cooked



Serves 4


Perfect for packed lunches, parties and picnics!!

3 Warburton’s Thins
400g extra lean minced beef
1 onion, grated
1 beef stock cube
2 teaspoons Worcester sauce
Salt & pepper
1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs

1 pack gelatine
100ml stock made up with 1 beef stock cube

Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Line an 8” x 4” baking dish with foil – enough that will fold over the pie.

Split the thins – put 2 pieces on the bottom – cut another into 3 (making 6 slices) and arrange around sides - spray with Frylight and bake in oven for 5 minutes.

In a large bowl mix together all the ingredients for the filling and press into base.

Cut 2 small holes in the remaining 2 pieces of Thin and place the thins on top of the meat and press down well.

Fold over the foil securely to keep all the edges together and bake for 20 minutes. Open the foil and bake for another 10 m- 15 minutes until crispy.

Fold the foil over the pie again and allow to cool.

When cool make up the gelatine with the hot stock and pour carefully into the holes (I use a plastic medicine syringe)

Allow to set before serving.



Serves 4

500g lean minced turkey
1 onion, grated
2 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
2 slices WW bread made into bread crumbs
¼ teaspoon dried coriander
¼ teaspoon paprika
¼ teaspoon chili powder
¼ teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon mint sauce
Salt and fresh pepper (to taste)

In a large bowl mix together all the kofta ingredients until evenly blended. Divide into 12 equal pieces and roll into log shaped ovals.  Place them on a baking tray and leave in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. If using wooden skewers, soak them in water at least 30 minutes before grilling.

When ready to eat, preheat the grill or barbecue to a high heat. If using skewers carefully insert them through through the kebabs.  

 Cook for 10 to 15 minutes turning occasionally, until the meat is no longer pink. 

Serve with pitta bread and cucumber and mint raita 



Serves 4
1PP per portion

1 medium 
onion, peeled and finely chopped
150g pigs' 
400g extra lean minced pork
½ teaspoon 
2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
1 teaspoon freshly chopped 
1 egg, beaten
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
100g fresh breadcrumbs 
2 teaspoons olive oil

1 small onion chopped
1 teaspoon olive oil
40g gravy granules
400ml water

Heat the oil in a small saucepan and add the onions. Cook until soft and transparent. Cool slightly
Place the liver in a blender and blitz, add the rest of the ingredients and blitz again until well mixed.
Add the cooled chopped onions, mace, chives, sage, beaten egg and salt and pepper. Stir in the breadcrumbs.
Using your hands shape the mixture into 12 balls. Place on a plate and chill for about 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4 and cook the faggots for 40 minutes.
To make the gravy fry the onion in the olive oil, add the water, sprinkle on the gravy granules and heat, stirring well until it thickens.
Serve faggots on mashed potatoes covered with the gravy and seasonal vegetables



These are free on F & H if you remove the skin if you don't they are 1 PP per wing (that is 2 pieces as prepared in this recipe)

750g pack chicken wings
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 red chilli, finely chopped
3 spring onions, chopped
Plenty of salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil

Preheat the oven to 220C/450F/Gas 7.
Cut each wing into two and cut off the wing tip.
Place the chicken and all other ingredients into a large bag and shake well.

Transfer chicken and contents to a baking tray and cook for about 30 minutes, turning once. 



Serves 4

450g minced turkey
2 teaspoons dried sage
2 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon mint sauce
1-2 cloves crushed garlic
1 small onion, chopped finely
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Serves 4 
Free on F & H or 6 PP per portion
Oven Temp: Moderately hot / 375F / 190 / Gas 5 

1. Put everything in a food processor and process until smooth
2. Form into a rough loaf shape and place onto a baking tray.
3. Bake in the middle of the oven for about an hour.
4. This is best made in advance and let to cool so that it can be sliced, very finely and then re-heated thoroughly in the microwave.

Serve in a pitta bread for a delicious but healthy kebab.

BUN RIEU (Thai soup)

BUN RIEU (Thai soup)

Serves four people
3 PP per portion 1pp on F & H

Low fat spray
8 spring onions, including green tops, thinly sliced
1 ½ “piece of root ginger, grated
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
1 red chilli, de seeded and finely chopped
1 green chilli, de seeded and finely chopped
200g raw prawns
6 crab sticks, chopped
6 tomatoes, chopped
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
  700ml water

1 chicken Oxo
60g rice noodles
½ Romaine lettuce, finely shredded
150g bean sprouts
2 tablespoons tomato puree
2 tablespoon lemon juice
4 large mushrooms, cleaned and sliced thinly
4 Jalapenos, thinly sliced

  1. Spray a saucepan with low fat spray, sauté the onions, garlic, chilies and ginger in the hot oil until soft. Add the mushrooms and sauté for 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile cook noodles.
  3. Add the prawns, tomatoes, fish sauce, sugar, lemon juice and salt to the pan with the onions.
  4. Pour in the hot stock, bring to a boil and add chopped crab sticks and then simmer for about 30 minutes.
  5. Take four large bowls and divide the cooked noodles equally between the dishes.

  6. Ladle the hot soup over the noodles, and top each bowl with a mixture of the shredded lettuce, Jalapenos and the bean sprouts. 



Serves 4

4 large field mushrooms
Olive oil
4 eggs
1 Tablespoon finely chopped chives
Salt and pepper to taste

Spray field mushrooms with olive oil or brush with olive oil and grill under oven grill for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. Set aside. Scramble the eggs as in the above recipe adding the chives at the beginning. Place scrambled eggs on top of mushrooms and serve immediately.