Thursday 18 August 2016

Spanish Bacon and Seafood Paella

Spanish Bacon and Seafood Paella

From WW “Your week”

Serves 4
11 propoints per serving

Low fat cooking spray
8 rashers WW extra trimmed back bacon, chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 red pepper, deseeded and finely chopped
½ tsp turmeric
1 tsp paprika
300g dried paella rive
100ml WW fruity white wine
900ml hot chicken stock
100g peas, defrosted if frozen
300g mixed seafood, defrosted if frozen

Mist a pan with the low fat spray.  Add the bacon and fry, stirring for 5 minutes.  Add the onion, garlic and pepper and fry for a further 5 minutes, stirring.

Add the turmeric, paprika and rice.  Cook, stirring for 2 minutes then pour in the wine and stir for another 2 minutes.  Add the stock and simmer, stirring occasionally for 15 minutes.

Stir in the peas and simmer 5 minutes. Add the seafood and cook 2-3 minutes, stirring until the seafood is cooked through.

Season to taste and serve.

Note: Re-calculate the propoints if you change any of the items.

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