Wednesday 10 August 2016

Bubble and Squeak cakes with mustard and caraway

Bubble and Squeak cakes with mustard and caraway

From WW Irresistable magazine.

Serves 1
4 points per serving

Mash 200g cold mashed potato with ½ tsp Dijon mustard and ¼ tsp caraway seeds. Stir through 50g cooked shredded cabbage or spring greens and 2 chopped spring onions. Season to taste.

Shape into two cakes and fry using low fat cooking spray for 10 minutes (5 minutes each side) until browned and crisp.

Poach a large egg for 2½-3 minutes in simmering water and drain well.

Place on the bubble and squeak cakes with extra mustard if you like and garnished with chopped chives.

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