Sunday 15 November 2020

Spicy Stew with Lemon, Olives & Coriander

Spicy Stew with Lemon, Olives & Coriander  


No Count


Serves 4


1 tbsp cumin powder

small knob ginger, grated

1 tsp paprika

2 garlic cloves, crushed

8 chicken thighs, skinless

1 onion, sliced

300ml chicken stock

2 tomatoes, chopped

peel of ½ preserved lemon (optional)

handful of black olives in brine, drained

handful fresh coriander


Mix the cumin, ginger, paprika, and garlic.  Make slasjed in the chicken and rub in the spice mixture.  Marinate at least 1 hour in the fridge.


Cook the thighs in a large frying pan, sprayed with spray oil, until golden, about 7 mins, then remove from pan.


Cook onion until softened then return chicken to the pan.  Pour over the stock, stir in the tomatoes and preserved lemon peel.  Simmer for 20 mins.  Stir in the olives and coriander and serve with couscous.


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