Sunday 15 November 2020

Spanish Stew

Spanish Stew


Serves 4

Full Choice 9 pts per serving

No Count recipe


frylight spray

8 x 75g skinless chicken thighs, bone in

1 red onion, sliced thinly

1 garlic clove, crushed

1 tsp chilli powder

2 tbsp tomato puree

4 medium tomatoes, quartered

300g long grain rice

475 ml chicken stock

fresh parsley, chopped

lemon wedges


Spray a large pan with frylight.  Add chicken thighs and onion and cook for 10 mins until golden.


Stir in the garlic, chilli, tomato puree, tomatoes and rice.  Caot well and pour stock over.  bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 18-20 mins, stirring twice.  Add parsley and serve with lemon wedges.



Full Choice: You could make this less points by serving only 1 chicken thigh per person, or by using 4 chicken breasts (skinless & boneless) chopped instead of the chicken thighs.  the points would reduce to 6½ per serving.



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