Sunday 15 November 2020

Oven Baked Chicken Tikka Masala

Oven Baked Chicken Tikka Masala


Serves 4

No Count Recipe

Full Choice 3 pts per serving


4 skinless chicken breasts, cubed

600ml tomato passata

300ml low fat natural yogurt

2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

salt & pepper


For the tikka paste:

1 small red onion

4 tbsp tomato puree

1 tsp groung cumin

½ tsp ground cinnamon

1" piece fresh ginger, grated

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 small red chilli, chopped

juice of 1 lime

2 tsp veg stock powder


Preheat oven to Gas 6/200ºC/400ºF


Place chicken in a bowl and season well.


Place the ingredients for the paste into a food processor and blend until smooth.  Spread over the chicken, coating on all sides.  leave to mariante at least 20 mins.


Transfer the chicken to a non-stick roasting tin and bake for 15 mins until lightly roasted.


Remove from oven and stir in the passata.  Return to the oven for 10 mins to heat through.  Just before serving, stir in the yogurt & coriander.

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