Tuesday 4 January 2022

Stir-fried linguine with Chinese-style vegetables

Stir-fried linguine with Chinese-style vegetables

Sins per serving: 10 Sins on OriginalNegligible on Green
Use wholemeal pasta as a Healthy Extra and deduct 6 Sins per Original serving.
Serves: 4
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes

227 g/8 oz dry linguine
Fry Light, for spraying
1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced
1 yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced
1 carrot, cut into really thin strips
113 g/4 oz chestnut or shiitake mushrooms, sliced
113 g/4 oz small broccoli florets
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
squeeze of lemon juice
1–2 tablespoons boiling water
salt and pepper
1 tablespoon freshly chopped coriander

Cook the linguine in a large saucepan of boiling lightly salted water according to the packet instructions. When cooked and tender, drain well.

Meanwhile, spray a wok or deep frying pan with Fry Light and place over a medium to high heat. Add the peppers, carrot, mushrooms and broccoli, and stir-fry briskly for 2–3 minutes until the vegetables are slightly tender but still retain some crispness.

Stir in the soy and oyster sauces, lemon juice and boiling water. As the liquid evaporates, season to taste and add the drained linguine. Toss lightly to coat it with the vegetable mixture.

Serve immediately on warm plates and sprinkle with chopped coriander.

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