Tuesday 4 January 2022

Crazy Chicken Cacciatore in Squash Bowls

Crazy Chicken Cacciatore in Squash Bowls

SmartPoints; myWW Green: 7 Pts, myWW Blue: 0 Pts, myWW Purple: 0 Pts


1.5 pounds of skinless, boneless chicken breasts

1 Large can of crushed tomatoes (28 ounces)

1 Four ounce can of sliced mushrooms

5 Cloves of garlic, chopped

1/2 Of 1 large onion, any color, chopped

1 Medium red bell pepper, chopped

1 Spaghetti Squash, roasted and cut in half

3/4 Teaspoon of salt

Pepper to taste

Sprinkle of Parmesan cheese


If you haven’t roasted the spaghetti squash, do that first. Cut the squash in half and remove the seeds. Drizzle a tablespoon of olive oil over each half with a dash of salt and pepper. Place cut side down on a baking sheet and cook for one hour at 425 degrees. “Shred” the inside with a fork and transfer to a bowl or use the squash as your bowl. You can put the chicken cacciatore inside later!

In your slow cooker, put the chicken breasts at the bottom of the crock pot. Add all other ingredients on top.

Stir and cover. Cook on high for 4 hours or 8 hours on low

Pour directly into the spaghetti squash bowls or pour over a bowl of shredded spaghetti squash.

I used 2 spaghetti squash, which made 4 “bowls”. 

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