Tuesday 31 October 2017

Terrine of Salmon with Prawns and Asparagus

Terrine of Salmon with Prawns and Asparagus

Core Recipe

Serves 6

2 pts per serving (original points plan)

1 x 400 g can pink salmon, drained, skin & bone removed
150 g low fat fromage frias
pinch sea salt
½ tsp chopped fresh dill
2 egg whites
50 g scallops, (raw) chopped
50 g prawns , fresh or frozen , chopped
75 g fresh asparagus, lightly cooked and cut into 1" (2.5cm) pieces

Preheat oven to Gas 4/180ºC/350ºF

Lightly grease a 450g loaf tin (1lb) with spray oil and fit a piece of parchment paper into the base of the tin.

Place salmon, fromage frais, dill and egg whites into food processor and blend well.  Mix the prawns scallops and asparagus together.

Spread just under half the salmon mix into the tin and arrange the praw mixture on top of this.  Carefully spread the rest of the salmon mix over the top.

Cover the top of the terrine with baking parchment and then secure foil on top of this.  Stand loaf tin in a roasting tin half filled with warm water, so the water reaches about halfway up the sides of the loaf tin.

Bake for 1 hour until firm to the touch.

Chill the terrine, turn out and slice.  

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