Wednesday 17 January 2024

Roast Monkfish wrapped in bacon

Roast Monkfish wrapped in bacon

Serves 2

600g potatoes cut into 1/4 " dice
juice and zest of 1/2 lemon
2 x 225g pieces monkfish tail
1 tbsp fresh parsley
8 fresh sage leaves
4 rashers lean back bacon
1 onion, sliced
salt and pepper

Pea-heat oven Gas 6 200'C
Coat large roasting tin with low-fat cooking spray.
Parboil the potato slice, 4-5 mins until tender. Drain and spread out on roasting tray. Spray with oil and cook 15 mins. 
Cut a pocket in each monkfish tail, and stuff with lemon zest and parsley. Drizzle lemon juice over, season and wrap tightly with bacon with sage leaves tucked inside.
When potatoes have cooked for 15 min, add the onion and turn the potatoes with a fish slice. Sit the fish in and spray with oil. Return to oven and bake 15 mins.

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