Friday 19 January 2024

Egg and Leek Mornay

Egg and Leek Mornay

Serves 4

360g leeks, cleaned and sliced
90g lean back bacon
4 eggs, hard-boiled and halved
450ml skimmed milk
30g flour
1 tbsp soft margarine
1 tsp English mustard
90g grated cheddar cheese
60g wholemeal breadcrumbs
salt and pepper

Heat oven to Gas 5/190'C
Cook leeks in small amount of water until just tender, about 3 mins. Drain and transfer to large ovenproof dish.
Grill bacon until crisp, chop and sprinkle over leeks. 
Arrange eggs over the leeks.
Combine milk, flour and margarine in a small pan. Heat, stirring with a whisk, until thickened and smooth. Remove from the heat and stir in mustard and 60g cheese. Season and pour over eggs and leeks, to coat thoroughly.
Sprinkle with remaining cheese and breadcrumbs, bake 20 mins.

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