Monday 8 February 2021

Honey and Mustard Sausage Bake

Honey and Mustard Sausage Bake

WW- 16 ppt plus the sausage, for the total recipe

Serves 4

8 low fat pork sausage, (ppt vary)

2 red onion, quartered

2 cloves garlic, chopped finely

2 eating apples, cored and quartered

1 tbsp clear honey (4 ppt)

1 tbsp wholegrain mustard (1 ppt)

500 g potatoes, chopped into large chunks (11ppt)

In a small bowl mix together the honey, mustard and garlic.

Place all the other ingredients into a large roasting tin. Pour over the honey mix and stir to coat well. 

Roast for 45 min covered, then remove the cover for 20-25 min.

The potatoes should be crispy and the sausage cooked through.

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