Sunday 28 February 2021

Salmon tikka skewer and chips

Salmon tikka skewer and chips

Serves 4

Syns per serving : FREE

6 large baking potatoes, peeled and cut into chips
salt and pepper fresh
red onion, cucumber and tomato salad, to serve

For the skewers;
200 g fat-free natural yogurt
4 garlic cloves, finely grated
1 tbsp finely grated fresh ginger
juice of 2 limes
3 tbsp tikka curry powder
800 g skinless and boneless salmon fillets, cut into large chunks
4 red pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks
finely chopped fresh coriander, to garnish

For the minted yogurt dip;
200 g fat-free natural yogurt
1/2 small pack of fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
juice of 1/2 lime

Preheat the oven to 200'C/fan 180'C/Gas 6. Boil the chips for 3-4 min, then drain well. Spread on a baking tray in a single layer, spray with frylight, season and bake for 20-25 min, until golden.

Meanwhile, for the skewer, mix the yogurt, garlic, ginger, lime juice and curry powder in a large bowl. Add the salmon and peppers and season well. Toss to coat, then cover and chill for 15 min.

Whisk the dip ingredients, season and transfer to a small serving bowl.

Preheat the grill to high. Thread the peppers and salmon alternately onto 8 metal skewer and grill for 4-5 min on each side, or until the fish is cooked through. Garnish with coriander and serve with the chips, dip and salad.

Stuffed Chicken Breast

Stuffed Chicken Breast

Serves 1

7 propoints

1 chicken breast
30 g Phili light
chopped garlic clove
1/2 tsp mixed dried herbs
1 slice premium ham

Cut a slice in the chicken breast to make a pocket. 

Mix the Phili light with the garlic and herbs, then spoon into the pocket in the chicken breast.

Wrap the breast in the slice of ham and then wrap tightly in foil.

Bake in a hot oven for 30 min, remove foil and continue to cook for 10 min

Saturday 27 February 2021

Quick Prawn and Tomato Curry

Quick Prawn and Tomato Curry

Serves 4

Syns per serving : FREE 

3 tbsp mild curry powder
4 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tbsp finely grated fresh ginger
6 tbsp tomato puree
450 g frozen raw shelled tiger prawn, defrosted
400 g cherry tomatoes
250 g fat-free natural fromage frais
salt and pepper
chopped fresh coriander, to garnish
350 g dried basmati rice, freshly boiled, to serve

Put the curry powder, garlic, ginger, tomato puree and 300 ml water in a pan, stir and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer for 8-10 min.

Add the prawns and tomatoes and cook for 6-7 min, or until the prawns are cooked through. Remove from the heat and stir in the fromage frais. Season well and divide between 4 bowls. Garnish with the coriander and serve with the rice.

Easy Sausage & Beans

Easy Sausage & Beans

Slow cooker recipe

Serves 4

Total propoint 44     11 propoint per serving

1 onion, chopped
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
2 x 400 g baked beans
2 tsp wholegrain mustard
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
6 tbsp veg stock
2 large tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 red pepper, chopped
300 g chilled frankfurter sausages, thickly chopped
salt pepper 

Fry off the onion in a large pan, adding a splash of stock if it sticks.

Stir in the paprika and cook 1 min. Mix in the beans, mustard, Worcestershire sauce and stock.

Bring to the boil then stir in the tomatoes, red pepper and salt, and pepper.

Add the frankfurters to the slow cooker pot and cover with the bean mixture.

Cover and cook on low for 9-10 hrs.

Saturday 13 February 2021

Mangalore fish molee

Mangalore fish molee

Serves 4

Syns per serving: 2 1/2

1 onion, finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 green chillis, deseeded and finely chopped
2 tbsp mild curry powder
100 g finely chopped fresh coriander, plus extra to garnish
6 curry leaves
200 ml reduced-fat coconut milk
4 thick skinless and boneless halibut or cod fillets, cut to large chunks
lemon wedges, to serve

For the rice
1 onion, finely chopped
2 carrots, peeled and diced
200 g green beans, trimmed and finely chopped
300 g dried basmati rice
4 cardamom pods lightly crushed
finely grated zest and juice of 1 unwaxed lemon
700 ml veg stock
salt and pepper

For the rice, spray a frying pan with frylight and place over a medium heat. Stir-fry the onion for 4-5 min. Add the carrots, beans, rice, peppercorn and cardamom pods and stir-fry for 1 min. Add the lemon zest and juice and stock, and bring to the boil. Season with salt, cover tightly, reduce the heat to low and cook for 15 min. Remove from the heat and leave to stand, covered, for 15-20 min.

Meanwhile, put the onion, garlic, chillis, curry powder, coriander and 400 ml water in a food processor and blend until almost smooth.

Spray a frying pan with frylight and place over a medium-high heat. Add the curry leaves and stir-fry for 10-20 seconds. Add the paste, reduce the heat to medium and stir-fry for 8-10 min. Add the coconut milk and cook for 15-20 min, uncovered.

Add the fish to the curry mixture and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 5-6 min, or until the fish is just cooked. Season and remove from the heat. Divide the curry and rice between 4 bowls, garnish with the extra coriander and serve with lemon wedges for squeezing over.

Friday 12 February 2021

Keralan coconut fish curry

Keralan coconut fish curry

Serves 4

Syns per serving: 2 1/2

1 onion, thinly sliced
2 tsp black mustard seeds
8-10 curry leaves (fresh ones if possible)
1 green chilli, deseeded and thinly sliced
2 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
1 tsp turmeric
2 tsp ground cumin
6 black peppercorns
2 carrots, peeled and cut into thick batons
1 courgette, cut into thick batons
200 g green beans
200 ml reduced-fat coconut milk
600 ml fish stock
350 g dried basmati rice
700 g thick skinless and boneless cod fillets, cut into large chunks
200 g cherry tomatoes, halved
salt and pepper
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 red chilli, deseeded and thinly sliced lengthways, to garnish

Spray a large frying pan with frylight and place over a medium heat. Fry the onion for 4-5 min. Add the mustard seeds, curry leaves, green chilli, ginger, turmeric, cumin and peppercorns and cook for 1-2 min, or until fragant.

Stir in the carrots, courgette, beans, coconut milk and stock and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and simmer gently for 12-15 min, or until the veg are tender. Meanwhile, cook the rice according to the packet instructions, drain and keep warm.

Add the fish and cherry tomatoes to the curry and cook for a further 4-5 min, or until the fish flakes easily. Season, remove from the heat and add the lemon juice. Divide the curry between 4 bowls, then garnish the rice with the chilli and serve on the side.

Spicy Punjabi chickpea curry

Spicy Punjabi chickpea curry

Serves 4

Syns per serving: Free

4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
1 large onion, coarsely grated
2 green chillies, thinly sliced
1 tsp hot chilli powder
1 tbsp each of ground cumin and ground coriander
6 tbsp fat-free natural yogurt
2 level tsp tamarind paste
2 tsp medium curry powder
100 g roasted red peppers in brine from a jar, drained and roughly chopped
3 x 400 g cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed
chopped fresh coriander leaves, to garnish
2 tsp paprika, to garnish

Spray a frying pan with frylight and place over a medium heat. Stir-fry the garlic, ginger, onion and half the chillis for 5-6 min. Add the chilli powder, ground spices and half the yogurt, and stir-fry for a further 1-2 min.

Turn up the heat to medium-high, stir in 500 ml water and bring to the boil. Add the tamarind paste, curry powder, red peppers and chickpeas, and bring back to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 15-20 min, or until the sauce is thick.

Divide the curry between 4 bowls and garnish with the chopped coriander. Top with a little of the reserved yogurt, half the paprika and coriander. Serve with the remaining green chillis, yogurt and paprika on the side.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Aubergine Balti

Aubergine Balti

Serves 4

Syns per serving: 2 

2 large aubergine
1 onion, roughly chopped, or until the
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp medium curry powder
1 tsp garam masala
500 g tomatoes, roughly chopped
350 g baby new potatoes, thinly sliced
300 ml hot veg stock
150 ml reduced-fat coconut milk
salt and pepper
400 g dried basmati rice
3 tbsp roughly chopped fresh coriander leaves, reserving some to garnish

For the beans
200 g runner beans, thinly sliced
1 red onion, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
1 tsp cumin seeds 

Preheat your grill to high. Prick both ends of the aubergines with a fork, Grill around 5 cm away from the heat for 15 min, turning often, or until the skins blacken and the centres are soft.

Meanwhile, spray a pan with frylight and place over a medium heat. Stir-fry the onion until soft, add the garlic, ginger and spices and fry for 2 min. Add the tomatoes, potatoes, stock and coconut milk, then season and stir. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 10 min.

Cook the rice according to the packet instructions. Meanwhile, boil the runner beans for 3-4 min, then drain. Fry the red onion, garlic and cumin in frylight for 4-5 min, then add the beans and toss well.

Remove the skins from the aubergines, chop the flesh and add to the curry. Simmer for 5 min, or until the potatoes are tender, then stir in the coriander. Divide the curry, rice and beans between 4 bowls and garnish with the reserved coriander to serve.

Lentil Soup

Lentil Soup

soupdragon - this is my grannies old recipe, it is so filling and easily does as a main meal, and might seem high in ProPoint for what is essentially a veg soup, but its so filling !

You will need a large soup pot, bigger than your normal saucepan.

300 g red split lentils (26 ppt)
3 large leeks
1 large swede
3 kg carrots
3 stock cubes (2 ppt)
1 large onion

Half fill the pot with water, add the lentils and the stock. Allow to bubble whilst you prepare the other veg.

Grate 3/4 of the carrots and 3/4 of the swede. Chop the remaining carrots and swede. Chop the leeks.

Add all the veg to the pot, top up with water and then simmer away for about 3 hr. Check on it, don't let the lentils stick to the bottom of the pan.

All the veg will cook down and I find that most times the soup doesn't need blended

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Tarka dal with chickpea and chilli rice

Tarka dal with chickpea and chilli rice

Serves 4

Syns per serving: Free

350 g dried red split lentils, rinsed and drained
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
1 aubergine, roughly chopped
2 tomatoes, roughly chopped
200 g baby spinach, roughly chopped
2 tsp each of cumin seeds and black mustard seeds
1 tsp each of ground cumin and ground coriander
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
salt and pepper
2 tbsp finely chopped fresh coriander

For the chickpea and chilli rice
350 g dried basmati rice
400 g can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 red chillis, deseeded and finely chopped

Put the lentil, turmeric, ginger and 1.25 litres water in a large pan. Stir and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer gently for 15-20 min, skimming off any froth and stirring occasionally.

Add the aubergine, tomatoes and spinach and cook for a further 12-15 min, stirring often. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Meanwhile, cook the basmati rice according to the packet instructions, then stir in the chickpeas and chillis halfway through. Drain well.

Spray a frying pan with frylight, place over a medium-high heat and add the cumin and mustard seeds. As soon as they start to pop, add the ground spices and garlic, then stir and cook for 1 min.

Stir the spices into the lentil mixture, return to the heat and season. Bring to the boil, then remove from the heat and stir in the coriander. Serve with the chickpea and chilli rice.

Monday 8 February 2021

Honey and Mustard Sausage Bake

Honey and Mustard Sausage Bake

WW- 16 ppt plus the sausage, for the total recipe

Serves 4

8 low fat pork sausage, (ppt vary)

2 red onion, quartered

2 cloves garlic, chopped finely

2 eating apples, cored and quartered

1 tbsp clear honey (4 ppt)

1 tbsp wholegrain mustard (1 ppt)

500 g potatoes, chopped into large chunks (11ppt)

In a small bowl mix together the honey, mustard and garlic.

Place all the other ingredients into a large roasting tin. Pour over the honey mix and stir to coat well. 

Roast for 45 min covered, then remove the cover for 20-25 min.

The potatoes should be crispy and the sausage cooked through.

Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup

Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup

WW- Free

250 g broccoli, chopped

1/2 small cauliflower, chopped

1 onion, chopped

500 ml skimmed milk

500 ml water

1 tsp mixed herbs

salt and pepper

Put ingredients in pan, bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 15 min. Try not to lift the lid.

Strain the soup, reserve the liquid. Put veg into blender and blend until smooth. Slowly add the reserved liquid into the blender and mix well.

Reheat and season to taste.

Roasted Sweet Pepper and Butternut Squash Soup

Roasted Sweet Pepper and Butternut Squash Soup

WW - Free

1/2 butternut squash, peeled and chopped

3 red peppers, chopped

2 carrots, chopped

1 red onion, chopped

8 cherry tomatoes

2 veg stock cubes

chilli flakes or curry powder, to taste

Pop all the chopped veg with sprinkle of chilli flakes or curry powder in a roasting tin, and roast in a high oven for 45 min.

Add to a pot with 2 litres of water and the stock cubes, and boil for 20-30 min

Blend and serve

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Leftover Turkey Curry

Leftover Turkey Curry

Serves 4

Syns per serving: Free

1 small butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and cut into small cubes
2 large carrot, peeled and cut into small cubes
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp curry powder
400 ml chicken stock
300 g passata
680 g skinless cooked turkey, cut into bite-size chunks
140 g sugar snap peas
350 g dried basmati rice
salt and pepper
110 g fat-free natural fromage frias
roughly chopped fresh coriander, to garnish
a pinch of paprika, to garnish

For the curry paste
1/2 small pack of fresh coriander, roughly chopped
finely grated zest and juice of 1 large unwaxed lime
2 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
3 lemongrass stalks, hard outer layer removed, finely chopped
2 red chillis, finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
2 shallot, thinly sliced

Put all the curry paste ingredients in a small food processor with 200 ml water. Whizz until fairly smooth, adding a little extra water if its too dry, and set aside.

Spray a wok with frylight and place over a medium heat. Add the squash, carrots, ground spices and curry powder, then stir-fry for 2-3 min. Add the curry paste and stir-fry for 1-2 min.

Pour in the stock and passata, bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 12-15 min. Add the cooked turkey and sugar snap peas, stir and cook 4-5 min, until the turkey is piping hot. Meanwhile, cook the rice according to the packet instructions.

Season the curry, remove from the heat and stir in the fromage frais. Garnish the with coriander and paprika and serve with the rice.

To make with raw turkey
Cut 680 g skinless turkey breast into bite-size chunks and add to the pan with the veg in step 2. Follow the rest of the recipe, checking the turkey is cooked through before removing the pan from heat and adding the fromage frias.