(South Africa )
2 lbs potatoes
6 well-beaten eggs
sugar to taste
a little salt
vanilla, almond or lemon essence
a good grating of nutmeg
Boil 2 lbs potatoes and then mash them. Add 6 well-beaten eggs,
and sugar to taste. Do not forget to put in a little salt. Flavour
with vanilla, almond or lemon essence. Spray with frylite and finish off with a good grating of nutmeg. Bake your pudding a
nice light brown. You should use at least 6 eggs, but if you can
spare more, so much the better, because your pudding will be all
the lighter.
Most women made potato pudding in the same way, except that some
preferred to use chopped almonds and grated lemon-rind instead of
essences. Potato pudding made with lots of eggs and beaten up to
a quivering lightness is deemed worthy of being presented to a
bride. But before it is put into a bride's basket it is embellished
with sparkling red cherries.
2 lbs potatoes
6 well-beaten eggs
sugar to taste
a little salt
vanilla, almond or lemon essence
a good grating of nutmeg
Boil 2 lbs potatoes and then mash them. Add 6 well-beaten eggs,
and sugar to taste. Do not forget to put in a little salt. Flavour
with vanilla, almond or lemon essence. Spray with frylite and finish off with a good grating of nutmeg. Bake your pudding a
nice light brown. You should use at least 6 eggs, but if you can
spare more, so much the better, because your pudding will be all
the lighter.
Most women made potato pudding in the same way, except that some
preferred to use chopped almonds and grated lemon-rind instead of
essences. Potato pudding made with lots of eggs and beaten up to
a quivering lightness is deemed worthy of being presented to a
bride. But before it is put into a bride's basket it is embellished
with sparkling red cherries.