Sunday 11 January 2015

Poached eggs Hairy Bikers style

Poached Eggs

I've made them in a poaching pan with the little cups and they are good, but not quite right.  I've tried making them in a pan and the method fails me every time, but not today thanks to the Hairy Bikers:

The method is in their Hairy Dieters cookbook under the recipe for poached egg, smoked salmon and spinach. 

Half fill a medium non-stick saucepan with water and add 1 tsp of white wine vinegar. Bring to the boil, then with a slotted spoon place the egg in its shell into the boiling water for precisely 20 seconds.   ( I counted 20 mississippi's)

Remove the egg and turn the heat down, so the water is simmering gently. Crack the egg into the water and let it drop to the bottom of the pan. Cook on a low heat for 3 minutes. The water should be just slightly bubbling. The egg will rise to the surface when it’s nearly ready. They often stick to the bottom of the pan and require a gentle nudge with the spoon. 

It also works best if you use fresh eggs. The fresher the egg, the more perfectly rounded it will stay. Older eggs will become messy and are less likely to keep their shape.

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