Thursday 8 January 2015


What to have for breakfast on Filling and Healthy?


There isn't a huge choice of cereal which is healthy and filling, you are looking at Shredded Wheat style cereal, puffed wheat, or porridge oats are pretty much it.

For a quick and easy breakfast, you can have plain Ready Brek or Oats So Simple style packs, made up with water or skimmed milk.  Add some fruit, like a sliced banana, grated apple or berries and you've got yourself a breakfast.

If you prefer "proper" porridge, make it with oats and add fruit or salt, whichever is your preference.

"Overnight Oats" is a favourite and the beauty is you make it the night before, as the name suggests and eat it next morning, cold or warm it in the microwave. To make it, layer up oats, with 0% fat natural yogurt, fruit and some skimmed milk.  Leave in the fridge overnight.  I like it made with grated apple, cinnamon, yogurt, the oats and a little milk.  I top with a few frozen blueberries or raspberries.

The overnight oats is portable as well, so you can make it in a "tupperware" style box and carry it with you to eat at work.

Cooked Breakfasts

Fried egg sandwich  Yes, you can have a fried egg sandwich.  Use brown calorie controlled bread such as WW or Nimble, or use a Warbutons brown thin.  I have bought a one egg pan (about £3 from B & M bargains) which is ideal.  You can use some of your healthy oil to cook the egg, or spray oil if you like it.

Bacon sandwich  Another yes, use bacon medallions, grill them, dry fry or use some of your healthy oil.  Bread as before.

Go mad and have bacon and egg in your sarnie.  Or make a big breakfast, using bacon, egg, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes.  You could even fry a piece of the brown calorie controlled bread if fried bread is your thing.

I saw this idea in a magazine and sometimes have it for breakfast. In your cute little fry pan, put a couple of tbsp of baked beans, make a little space and break an egg into it.  Put over a low heat and cover the pan (I use a tea plate)  Cook a few minutes until your egg is done to your liking.  Serve on a slice of toast made from calorie controlled bread.

Omelette. Make it with 2 eggs, use healthy oil/spray oil in a non-stick pan and add ham, or mushrooms, chilli, peppers, anything you like from your food list. Alternatively, make a thin omelette using 1 egg and roll it up like a pancake with your filling inside.  Or another idea, make a one egg omelette and serve it rolled in a WW wrap, with ham or veg.

All Day Breakfast Omelette  Adapted from the plan material. 

1 - 2 bacon medallions
50g cooked potato, chopped
¼ medium onion, sliced
40g mushrooms, sliced
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 medium eggs
l large tomato halved and grilled

Dry fry the bacon, potato, onion and mushrooms, stirring occasionally for 5 mins. Mix in the parsley, remove from pan and keep warm.  Whisk eggs and season.  Pour egg mixture into the pan, pushing it into the centre as it cooks, allowing the raw mixture to seep down the sides.  Cook for 2 mins until golden on the base.  Spoon the bacon mixture onto one side, flip the other side over to enclose the filling and serve with the grilled tomato.

Crustless Quiche WW makes these I think, but I don't think they are F & H so make your own.  I love it as I make enough for 4 days and it keeps in the fridge so my breakfast is ready to eat when I get up.  Eat it hot or cold and it makes a decent lunch too with a bit of salad.

Take 4 eggs, mix with 1 x 250g tub cottage cheese, plain or with chives is my preference.  Pour into a pyrex dish, about 23cm square.  Add F & H ingredients such as mushrooms, tomatoes, ham, chicken. Bake in the oven at 180ยบ for 20-30 mins until it is all set.

Note:  Cottage cheese with chives is not strictly a filling and healthy food, but as long as it has only added chives to it, I can't see the problem in having it.  Your decision though.

Eggy Bread or French Toast Beat an egg and pour it onto a plate.  Soak a slice of calorie controlled bread, first one side then the other.  Heat a non-stick fry pan and spray with oil or use some of your oil allowance.  Fry the eggy bread in it, making sure to use up all the egg.  You can have this sweet or savoury, sweet it;s nice with fruit such as blueberries cooked very gently until they burst and form a compote, savoury, just a bit of salt and pepper, or use some propoints for a bit of brown sauce.

Berry Toasts  This is from the latest plan material at WW.  Spread 2 slices toasted brown calorie controlled bread with 2 heaped tbsp Quark, top with blueberries.  Mix ½ tsp sweetener with some ½ tsp cinnamon and sprinkle over the top.  Grill until the blueberries begin to burst.

Boiled Egg and soldiers  Not to be forgotton.

Scrambled Egg   On toast.  Yummy.  I make it taste a bit creamier by adding 1 tbsp lightest mayonnaise, which although not free on F & H, is 0 propoints so nothing to count.  You can add things to your scrambled egg....try chilli or jalapenos chopped up in it, or about ½ tsp curry powder to give it a different flavour, or just have it plain.  

Fruit Salad Mix your favourite fruits, chopped in a bowl.  Top with 0% natural yogurt, plain fat free fromage frais or Quark and enjoy.

Smoothie  Not the commercial ones, these are not free on F & H.  Make your own, no smoothie maker required, just get a cheap hand held blender and a pyrex jug.  Blend skimmed milk with banana, 0% yogurt and summer berries, fresh or frozen (frozen are good as they make your smoothie cold)  Add sweetener if you need it sweeter.  If you like you can even add a raw egg to this mix...... just a suggestion, not essential and not for everyone.  Those who need to avoid raw eggs know who they are.

Crumpets stick them in the toaster, but avoid the temptation to slather them with butter.  I like them with marmite, or top with Quark or a poached or fried egg, or baked beans.  if you want to use some propoints, top with Quark and 1 tsp lemon curd or jam for 1 propoint.

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